....she's an avowed feline fancier (aka crazy cat woman). So customized her car with an old "TOYOTA" emblem.
That's amazingly awesome! I made a tiny spoiler out of legos and taped it to my gf's car. She thought it was funny. Put some chrome paw print emblems on there and I bet she'd love that too.
This is hilarious. I have a paw-shaped magnet on the back of mine that says something like, "One cat away from a crazy cat lady." iPhone ?
Your a COOL CAT Absolutly Red!!! I see that you are over the hill from me out her in Simi Valley. We will have to get together sometime and meet. Are you happy with your stock stereo system or have you done any upgrades yet? If not then check out my post in the audio section. I got a nice upgrade from OEM AUDIO PLUS just recently you may want to hear. Send me a chat and we can figure out a date!!!! I'm both a cat and dog lover myself!!! Have a good one! Mike