My 6'4" hubby just got in my PriusV 2012 to use it and when he tried to shift into reverse, the parking brake was on and the anti skid icon lit up. It would not shift into drive. When I got in to see what was going on, after he turned it off, everything worked fine for me. It has never done this before but he rarely drives it. Is it possible he was mashing the regular brake pedal down too hard? He wasn't hitting the parking brake getting in or anything like that, I watched when he tried a second time. We kept trying but he ended up taking his truck instead (which I was washing for him) I know on a couple occasions making fast, hard turns into our driveway I have lit up the anti skid icon but other than some extra braking action it has not caused a problem. And once while stopped at a light and reaching for something in the back seat, I lit it up, but I forget what the car did. I was mashing the pedal down hard as I reached back. I assume in both cases the car thinks I am getting in a wreck and is taking action. Of course, I just finished washing it but there is no chance it's anything with that? I moved it from the front yard to the back and had no issues before he tried to use it. Anyway, I had this thought about pressing the pedal too hard after he left and here I am asking.
I am 6'4", have a 2012 Prius v, have definitely mashed the pedal into ABS mode, but have never seen that occur.
That's the hill hold light coming on in all likelihood. By pressing down hard on the brake the system automatically prevents the car from rolling forward or backward, even when you release the brake, until you press the gas pedal.
I think its a 2-3 sec delay regardless of if you push on the gas or not. The hill-hold feature should be accompanied by 2 beeps.
i don't think you can mash the brake too hard, except for the one guy who actually bent the brake lever on his c. what doe he normally drive?
I think hill hold is the answer. I don't recall beeps but we were also hearing door open chimes, seat belt chimes, etc. I'll read up on it but is it something that you push the regular brake pedal to activate or is the parking brake involved? So if he goes lighter on the brake, he shouldn't have this problem? Thanks for replying too.
Regular brake only, the parking brake is not involved. He doesn't really need to go lighter on the brake, he can keep his normal brake foot style. Just beware that without his foot of the gas pedal, once the hill holder gets triggered, the car won't roll on its own for a few seconds.