My 2001 prius threw up a master alarm this morning. So I checked with the scangauge. The first thing I saw was the Vhi and Vlo readings, which were 16.1 and 15.8. Not enough to throw a code. I don't remember the SOC, although I'm pretty sure there was a number there. So I backed out, and hit "scan." The result is "no codes found." I tried this a couple of times because I couldn't believe that the master alarm was on and there were no codes. Anyway, when I switched back to the gauges, I found that the Vhi and Vlo readings, as well as the SOC were blank, but the 12 volt battery voltage was reading 13.8. So I started checking around, and from what I can tell, I get all the engine data: RPM, MPH, MPG, throttle position, Lod, etc. just no data relating to the traction battery. No resistances, no SOC, no voltages, no Bhi or Blo. I had to drive the car to work, and I watched the hybrid graphic, which shows the battery being charged and discharged in a fairly normal fashion, although I have a subjective feeling that it was charging more than discharging. The battery graphic shows normal SOC (I've never seen it as "bars" per se, but the + and - signs are not covered with blue; is that 4 bars?). but if the scangauge can't read SOC, then where is this graphic getting its data from? The car appears to be functioning fine, just with no battery data. I can't tell if the Battery ECU is doing its job fine, just not communicating with the rest of the car, or if the charging cycle is out of control and may be over/under charging the battery.
The ScanGauge is capable of reading that information from your car, but you have to tell it how. It lets you define "XGAUGES", where you are basically telling it which ECU to query, the address of a piece of data in that ECU, what that represents, and what arithmetic to do on the raw value to display it in some unit you would recognize. You can find threads in this forum about XGAUGE definitions for the Gen 1 Prius. -Chap
The xgauges are programmed, and I've been reading them for years. It's only now that the master alarm is on that they are not populating with data.
Intermittent? Other ECU, brake, body, power steering, or air bag? If you're not seeing a code with the Scangauge, I'm wondering if this was a transient? Perhaps clear the codes and see if the Master Alarm goes away. Then for good measure, 12V, power-on reset (plz use ground wire.) Bob Wilson
There are no codes to clear, at least as far as the scan gauge is concerned. Do you mean disconnect the 12 volt battery? What is the power on reset?
Correct! I use the terms 'disconnect the 12V' and 'power on reset' interchangeably . . . old man, computer hack phrase. Bob Wilson
Ok, I just saw 'clear the codes" and "power on reset" as two separate items. Yeah, I've been thinking of disconnecting the battery, but I figured if there is any information in there worth having, there might be another way of getting at it. And since the car is working fine, I figured it might just clear the code itself after some time. I'm just nervous driving it because I'm used to being able to see the state of charge and Vhi and Vlo, so I'm kind of worried that if the ECU is malfunctioning, that the battery might be getting over/undercharged. It looks like the techstream software and cable are pretty cheap nowadays. I was thinking about buying them, just to have. Will they work on both a 2001 and a 2010? Also, I read somewhere that the techstream software on Amazon might have malware in it. Does anyone have a preferred vendor that's known to be clean?
Yes if you get a modern firmware version. I found anyone selling them claiming to be 'xhorse' associated to have modern ones. As for virus and stuff, I've always assumed they are infected. After install, I run a scanner and expunge anything it complains about. If it runs, good. If not, well I'm running a virtual PC software on a Mac and give them a separate 'image' to run under. Bob Wilson
BTW, I updated the table of XGAUGES to the new format: ScanGuage AE Pig-tail, code flasher, and TechStream | Page 2 | PriusChat Bob Wilson
Thanks. Now if only someone could figure out how to load sets of XGAUGES without going through all that button pushing.
Oh, and I took the car out for lunch, and the XGAUGES are now populating with data. SOC is around 60%, so I'm happier, but I still have the master alarm, and scangauge still sees zero codes.