Just changed the trans fluid for the second time and rotated the tires at 134K miles. I checked the brake pads and they're not even half worn yet. So far this has been a good run, have saved $7000 in gas vs my other car. If I buy another car, IT WILL BE ANOTHER PRIUS!!!!! My only complaint, road noise.
I have the Michelin Defenders with 60K miles so they will be replaced before winter. The part that really annoys me is the joints in the road sounds like thump jars through the whole car body. I'm thinking new shocks and struts may be a solution, 134K miles on the car. I will lower the air pressure and see if that helps, running at 40psi now but tried 35 and not much difference. I'll drop to 32 and see what happens.
im running almost 50 psi i dont think there is much sound proofing in prius for weight just crank the creedence