It was a nice day today, so I figured I ought to explore my C a bit in the event I ever need to jump start the 12v battery. What a pain in the butt. I hope I never have to do this in the middle of winter. I envy the owners of a regular Prius who apparently have easier access to jumping points under the hood. In any event, I managed to remove the clips, remove the cover and see the horrible inconvenience of it all. But worse, I must have spent more than a half hour trying to get those two clips back in the holes. One of them went in properly, but the other one still isn't in quite right. Those ends that spread out to keep the clip in (once it's in) have a way of spreading a bit too far apart on the way in, so it's nearly impossible to get in that hole. And yes, I even took the pin part completely out to see if it helped. It didn't. Is there some trick to getting them back in? Thanks. [/rant]
Funny you mention that. I just found a YouTube video that shows such a jump point on a C. I don't know what model year it is in the video or whether mine has it, but I'll check it out tomorrow (weather permitting). Here's that link:
I had to have a jump after an idiotic move a couple of years ago. Luckily, it was while Toyota Care was still active. Sure enough, the seat had to be removed to access it. I guess the impracticality of that oversight made them correct it not long after debut.
There was a lady with an early Prius c, lamenting about the nonsense involved getting at the battery for a jump start, by the side of road, dark. Maybe 6 months back. Mechanical access seems to really take a back seat these days. Oh woops, a Prius c pun.
at some point in the design process, the under hood jump point was either forgotten, overlooked, or cut out by the bean counters.
And it just dawned on me that if I add an EV as a supplement to this vehicle in a few years, it will make maintaining the battery on it all the more impractical...
I'm glad I bought the 2013. But, an oversight like that is astonishing ! What morons. So for my future access, I may want to just take the rear seat out. Does anybody know if it just pulls up from the front edge, like the PIP ?
Well, supposedly, jumping the battery without removing the seat is possible, but I'm hoping I never have to find out.
i would go through the motions, before i had to do it for real, on a dark rainy night in the middle of nowhere.
I'm hoping AAA will know how. Or come to think of it, I bought the Toyota Platinum Extended Warranty which has 24/7 Roadside Assistance, so if I ever need to, I'll let them deal with it.