So, I managed to leave the garage door open last night, and lo and behold, I got robbed. But, I must say, these must be some of the stupidest thieves on the planet. They took: -A 1997 Schwinn bicycle, worth about $50 (tops), leaving, right next to it, a 2005 Giant OCR Limited, worth $1800. -An aluminum floor jack, leaving the jack handle. No, it's not a standard handle, nor will it be cheap to obtain. -A rechargable electric trimmer, leaving the charger that was attached to it. I'm really, really glad they didn't take my wife's all carbon-fiber bike with full Ultegra components. I honestly would have given away the Schwinn if they had asked, (minus the speedo and the lights, but hey). The trimmer will cost me $100, and the jack, $200 (yes, aluminum jacks are pricey). But, the Prius was locked (thanks to my auto-locking kit); at least they didn't bump it with the jack. I guess I should be glad they didn't come in the house. Maybe tonight I'll sit in the garage with a shotgun and see if they come back for the handle and the charger... Nate
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(naterprius @ Apr 21 2006, 02:20 PM) [snapback]243240[/snapback]</div> Sorry to hear that I bet cluless youngsters, wanting to get anything that in return would bring 20 bucks.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(naterprius @ Apr 21 2006, 01:20 PM) [snapback]243240[/snapback]</div> LOL! I would love to see the expressions on their faces. Sorry you were robbed...
I scoped out the pawn shops this morning, I think I know which one is the one to fence stolen goods. I'll be back tomorrow and see if I can find any of my stuff. The cops told me to just call them and they'll come retrieve it for me if I see anything of mine. Nate
Yep, sounds like kids to me. And yes, I'd keep an eye out for them to come back for the charger and the handle. If they're stupid enough to leave it behind the first time, they're stupid enough to come back a second time to get it.
Put another car in the garage, leave the doors unlocked, and a wallet on the passenger seat with the edges of money clearly visible. Then, when they open the door to get in, shove them in, somehow set it up so they can't get out, use a remote starter to start the car, shut the garage door, and GAS the little PRICKS.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Apr 21 2006, 11:40 AM) [snapback]243258[/snapback]</div> Yeah...either that or a stupid crack/meth/heroin addict. They probably sold it to some guy on the street for a few bucks...just enough to get a hit. Idiots.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Apr 21 2006, 01:43 PM) [snapback]243261[/snapback]</div> Ouch! We had a couple of guys attempt to break into my old house when I was in high school.... while we were home. It was a very scary thing. I don't think I could gas someone, but I sure would love to kick some burglar butt!
Sounds like a yard guy whose truck has a flat and no jack with a small hedge trimming job with time constraints. Did you look around your house in the bushes etc. Many times they pile up the items and come back for them so they can say they just "found" them. Check around the neighbors too.
Too bad about the rip-off. FWIW I just bought an aluminum floor jack at Costco for $100. It has 4000 lb. capacity.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jbarnhart @ Apr 21 2006, 01:44 PM) [snapback]243295[/snapback]</div> Thanks, I'll check it out. Save me a $100. Nate
I've found the garage door open in the morning more than once -- usually because of my son (but not always). I installed a device from Sears that has a plug-in monitor for inside and remote attached to the inside of the garage door. If the door is open, a flashing red light appears. If closed, a steady green light. I keep it in my bedroom, and it emits a soft, green "night light." If it flashes red, I won't miss it. Haven't left the door open since.
Thanks for the tip. I had been meaning to pick up one of those, but hadn't gotten around to it. I went out and bought one first thing this morning. The whole robbery is kind of suspicious. What are the odds that my door gets left open and I get robbed? I kind of suspect the milkman; he came by at 3:00 AM and I was robbed at 5:15 AM. My neighborhood isn't exactly a high crime area and when you pull your car onto my Cul-De-Sac you have to back out. I ALWAYS make it a habit to check the garage door before bed (just in case) and I lock the door from the house to the garage. I can't believe I forgot to check last night. Maybe I was just unlucky; hard to say. It's kind of like the one time you drive without your seatbelt, you are in a crash. Nate
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Apr 21 2006, 01:43 PM) [snapback]243261[/snapback]</div> Gotta love the way Squidly thinks sometimes! :lol: A friend of mine who happens to be a smoker had left a part of a pack lay on the seat of his car and had them ripped off a couple years ago. Like anybody, he was a bit steamed about it, so with the help of a bottle of Tobasco sauce and a second part pack that now had funny red filters , they too were ripped off. But that was the last time he was even bothered. :lol: :lol:
You got robbed? you were violated in your home? Im sorry to hear that, buit hears some useful information for the others. Yes most Burglaries are opertunity crimes open door, window ect. Most burgalars like dark areas or bush blocked windows as a means to enter a home as it is harder to see them. I tell people if they have bushes around the windows to cut them down to window sill height. And to install motion sencing lights with florecent floods and to set them for 10 min run times.. However daytime burgalaries, are normally done while the homeowner is at work and entry is made through an open or unlocked window or by prying a door or window open.. Daytime thefts occur some times when the homonwer is home and has left the garage door open a burglar can enter and leave and the home owner may not realize the crime has happened for weeks. I advise people when I respond to burg calls and I find out the garage door was left open that they should close the door when they have to go into the home longer that 3 minutes. (remember it only takes two minutes for a car thief to enter your locked car and be driving down the road).. Things you can do to better track your property & help the police in recovering your property, write down the serial numbers (most people do not write the sierial numbers down from bicycles, electroncis or guns.... (Write them down)! In Fla. if one leaves the garage open and an unkown person enters the garage then removes property with out the owners concent and the property is over 5' past the open door it turns the crime from THEFT to BURGALRY. if you where home it becomes Burg of a occupied structure. Typical list of charges for a theft. bad guy enters the garage, = Burglary bad guy takes weed wacker= Theft bad guy takes bicycle = Theft So insted of one charge it becomes 3 but if the owner refuses to press charges the crime falls to the wayside.. Definitions: "Robbery" means the taking of money or other property which may be the subject of larceny from the person or custody of another, with intent to either permanently or temporarily deprive the person or the owner of the money or other property, when in the course of the taking there is the use of force, violence, assault, or putting in fear. "Theft" means phisiclly taking the items with our your concent. Your discription of the items taken would be listed as petit theft of the second degree and a misdemeanor of the second degree, "Burglary / tresspass" means Entering a dwelling, a structure, or a conveyance with the intent to commit an offense therein, unless the premises are at the time open to the public or the defendant is licensed or invited to enter; Burglary is a felony of the second degree if, in the course of committing the offense, the offender does not make an assault or battery and is not and does not become armed with a dangerous weapon or explosive, and the offender enters or remains in a Dwelling, and there is another person in the dwelling at the time the offender enters or remains. Sorry to hear about you being Burglarized & Not Robbed, I hope they catch them you may have been the first on your block or you may not ask your known niegbors if they have had anything come up missing? Normally its teenagers wandering the streets at night, (if a teenager(s) is out on a bike or on foot between 12a - 430a they are up to no good) they really like unlocked cars too they take anything of value including sun glasses. Peace~
Ha! you got lucky mate! Nice bike btw, How do you carry it? I use the coastaltech hitch + a yakima kingpin4 rack. Does anyone here use a bike roof rack? (Thule or Yakima?)
Sounds like kids or maybe an addict. Anyway, if you are sure that you closed your garage door, I would suggest that you change the code on your opener and remote(s).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tleonhar @ Apr 22 2006, 02:40 PM) [snapback]243702[/snapback]</div> Yep, some thieves are pretty sad. Reminds me of a co-worked a few years ago who had his (older) car parked on the street in downtown Toronto while he visited a customer. Came back out find a broken window and only his lunch missing from the back seat! Was probably a homeless person... In another incident, sometime around 1994, a friend of mine had his old '82 Dodge parked on the street in Montreal while he went to an Expos (R.I.P.) game. He came out to find his window smashed and radio gone. The sad part is this was litterally across the street from a police station - yet nobody saw anything. The funny part is he had the cheapest cracko radio in the world ($50?) - and it was already broken! Ha ha ha... If you are going to steal something, wouldn't it be prudent to first determine if it is worth stealing? Some criminals are just morons. :lol: Kevin
Passport fraud: Remember when you were a kid and your teacher handed out those graded spelling tests who didn’t study for because you thought, “Hey I’m going to be a rock star/center fielder. I’m not going to need to know how to spell.†Think again… NICOSIA (Reuters) - You might have the best forgery skills in the world, but it is not much use if you cannot spell. A Cyprus court jailed Pakistani national Fazal Ur Rehman for eight months for forgery after police spotted spelling mistakes on stamps on an Afghan passport he was carrying — otherwise it was a near-perfect copy, the Cyprus Mail said Wednesday. I know what you’re thinking. “Hey, those foreign countries especially in the Middle East and Indian regions can get pretty tricky. There’s more consonants in the name of those countries than a bag of Scrabble tiles. Trying to spell one of those things can make an 8-year-old Chinese spelling bee champion faint on site. What could he possibly have screwed up?†He messed up words like “ministry†spelling it as “menistry,†which as we all know is the name that Cher has for the dark liar of her house where she rebuilds old men into teenage boyfriends. This is the actual photo of the passport: [attachmentid=3093] Want to read more?