Currently have 91,250 New tires Changed out engine air filter Changed out cabin air filter Oil change every 10,000 What needs to be done at 100,000?
Are you looking for extra suggestions, beyond what's listed in the Warranty and Maintenance Booklet? In that category, I'd suggest a transaxle fluid change, and a brake fluid change, if neither has been done. Have you had a decent brake inspection? Just for reference, here's what the booklet says: The reference "3" postpones the inverter coolant change, to 150,000 miles or 180 months.
WOW, almost 100,000 in 2 years? Congraduation! I would do your top item and these 1. Transmission flush if you did not do it at 60,000 and 50,000 after 2. Coolant and inverter flush 3. Spark Plugs 4. Timing Belt but Prius are chain so no need 5. Water pump (if it was me)
This is a maintenance summary table from the 2014 Prius Warranty and Maintenance Booklet, the Canadian booklet. If you don't mind doing the aerobics to convert kms to miles, it's an excellent counterpoint to the US event-by-event schedule. This is not the US schedule, but does largely parallel it. Major departures: shorter oil change interval, and inclusion of brake fluid change. The Canadian booklet didn't used to have this table; my 2010 booklet is an effing mess, to put it impolitely. With your spark plugs, it's getting close to time. I tend to pull them out, clean and re-install, at least once, about mid-way through their life. It's not a trivial task though, with the Prius. NutzaboutBolts has an excellent video on this. The only thing: he recommends 20 lb/ft torque, WITH lotsa anti-seize. The Repair Manual says 15 lb/ft, with dry threads. And if you do use any amount of anti-seize, I'd reduce that value, by a pound or two.
Is the engine coolant and inverter coolant the same? Toyota Genuine Fluid 00272-SLLC2 Long Life Coolant - 1 Gallon
Is the engine coolant and inverter coolant the same? Toyota Genuine Fluid 00272-SLLC2 Long Life Coolant - 1 Gallon
I'm nearing 100,000 on my 2010 Prius. I bought it used fairly recently. I don't think it had a maintenance schedule in the glove box --- where can I get this?? I'm going to be bringing it to Toyota ... but it would be useful to have. I really want to 'pamper' this car.. I love it!
Google Toyota infotech. Select manual section, then you fill in your make/model/year info and search. Both owners manual and warranty and maintenance guide are in there. They pop up, and you can save as PDF.
Thank you both! I just joined the Toyota site and was able to bring up all the service records! Of course, I should have thought to go right to the source! Found the maintenance schedule in there too! THANK YOU !!!!!!
Yes, I checked on this. The ICE, gas engine and the electric motor (inverter coolant) both use the same coolant. You can use that in both reservoirs. Just bought a gallon of the SLL at my local Toyota dealership.
I did the same thing, both reservoirs were a bit below the low marks. But too bad you can't buy a quart/liter.
You're not kidding; checked Amazon, Ebay and others online. Actually the cheapest (at $18.00/gal.) was the Toyota stealership a few miles from my place! lol So I guess on some things they're not a complete ripoff.
Yeah but it's like shopping at Costco, lol. I have to think twice when buying things like the 50 pack of disposable razors, they might outlast me.
Similarly, I couldn't find Amazon or anybody else selling Toyota's ATF-WS on-line at a lower price (including shipping) than the local dealer does----although some were very close, and I found several posts in PriusChat by people who'd bought it from dealers at considerably lower prices a couple of years earlier. Zerex's Asian Formula antifreeze supposedly meets the specs for SLLC, and sells for a little less.
You know, even if the dealership's a dollar or two more, I'm averse to dispatching FedEx planes willy nilly, just 'cause I need coolant.