Hi all, I have a few questions... Is it worth getting the 2015 Prius c, or should I wait for the 2016? Does anyone find the Prius c engine too loud? Has anyone tried napping in the back of the Prius c with the passenger seat pushed forward? Has anyone here seen the Absolutely Red Priuses from years past fade and become unattractive? Am I crazy to consider the lime green color? I don't live in a very green (as in foliage) area. Thanks.
I have not done this. I'm not very tall only 5'5 so if I folded the rear seats and moved the front one forward I may fit? Maybe... it's not a color I would choose. Go with what your gut really wants.
I recommend you get the color--and the trim level--you really want. Otherwise, you may always regret settling for less. If you're going to spend the money for a new car, get exactly what you want. Also, I don't find the engine too loud. It may not be luxury car quiet, but I never notice any engine noise either. Decide for yourself when you test drive it.
The C was the only Prius that I was considering. It is the "Macbook Air" of cars-- looks nice for the most part, is affordable more or less, and it gets great mileage. But there are a few issues. 1. The rear bumper has a blockish look that reminds me of the the Gundam Suit robot (google it). I am sure that has appeal in Japan but it contrasts with the curvy stylishness of the rest of the vehicle. 2. I really wanted a sunroof but that is only offered in the higher end models from the factory. I was only considering the model one. For me it's a let down. In some parts of the USA, a sun roof is essential and shouldn't be only for people with a little more money. 3. The engine noise during acceleration was quite bad. I had been under the impression that the 2015 C would have less noise due to increased noise dampening between the cabin and the engine area compared to the 2014 but I am not convinced this is the case. This noise is my chief concern. 4. The amount of space in the back it Is slightly too little-- by about a foot. I may want to take a nap laying down in the back from time to time. 5. The fact that there are four side doors never made sense to me. Even a family with two small kids does not really, truly need the extra two doors. Given these various concerns and quibbles, and the fact in my current vehicle works just fine despite being 12 years old (it's a Toyota), this means I can wait until a better C comes out. Like many people I want a vehicle that will last me another 10 years at least.
Very funny (but very true). (I own and operate many "Macintoshes", but all are really Hackintoshes, generic PCs running MacOS Mavericks or Yosemite). I am nearly 70 years of age, and my Prius c very likely will be the very last new car I will ever buy.
Interesting. I tried that once and was amazed to see a largely unusable Windows machine transform into a polished Mac. It didn't last though. The boot-up required many steps. Hmm.. now I wonder if Hackintosh'ing is correlated with an affinity for the C...
One has to start with the right "bones" (proper, and compatible, selection of motherboard and processor). I presently run Core i3s and Core i7s, but I have also run Core i5s in the recent past. Generally in Gigabyte Z77 or Z97 motherboards, but also in Shuttles. Years ago, I was running Core 2 Duo E8400s and Core 2 Quad 9550s. Generally in Gigabyte GA-EP45 motherboards, and also in Shuttles. Usually nothing lower than a P35, however. Although I do have a pair of Supermicro Atoms which are running Lion Server. The right installer is important, too, as it will place a compatible boot loader on the hard drive for you, and for that purpose, I generally use MyHack, although a MyHack which supports Yosemite is not yet available (it is being tested right now by its developers). In general, a USB key-type installer which copies the MacOS X installer application from the Application folder over to the USB key is the way to go. So, right I now have a pair of Shuttle SZ77R5s with Core i7-2600Ks running Mavericks, and these are super reliable (never a kernel panic or any kind of system hang, ever). Z-prefix motherboards and K-suffix processors generally support overclocking, but I never overclock. I probably should mention that I have been professionally employed in engineering and/or computer science since the mid-1960s (before there ever was a computer science degree, and my degree is in electrical engineering), and I spent 30 years programming in assembly language, so high-level languages, such as C, are a little foreign to me, although I have completed major projects in C (mainly LALR(1) and SLR(1) parser generators).
Having the right information is vital. I googled endlessly and I mainly found just one blog, and that person did not express himself clearly nor provide up to date information, it seemed..
1) 2015 will be cheaper maybe. 2) The C is louder than my GenII, but the C is lighter and has less insulation too… 3) No. 4) Mine has not faded a bit. I don’t think paints fade anymore,,,as long as you take care of finish… 5) Some green shades are my favorite colors, I have seen the lime, not my favorite though.
Hi this is interesting cause I am considering getting a Prius C for a potential next car option and had a question about the battery. Toyota said it is covered under warranty for 8 years or 100,000 miles which ever comes first. Dose anyone know how much it coasts to replace a Prius C battery once it needs to be replaced after that. What are your experiences with the Prius C ? I am really considering it out of all the cars I am looking at it has the least complaints from owners it is reliable great gas millage which is important to me cause I travel to students homes for piano lessons? Do you enjoy your Prius C or regret buying it what are the high and lows of it ?
The c has been on the market for just over three years, and I don't think anyone here has yet reported replacing the traction battery. A couple of owners are past 100,000 miles with no problems in that area.
Toyota traction batteries have a good reputation for reliability. The c's traction battery is just like a regular Prius Ni-MH traction battery, except fewer cells, and, of course, proportionally lower voltage. By the time your traction battery is possibly due for re-celling, good, used cells appropriate for c's will become available at a very reasonable price, probably on ePay. The re-celling procedure should be the same as on a regular Prius, only a little bit easier because the entire battery is underneath the rear seat cushion. I suspect you will go through a 12 volt auxiliary battery, or two, before your traction battery needs to be re-celled.
If you do a lot of city or suburb driving, the c can get great mileage. When I owned a c, I was averaging about 54-56 mpg combined city/freeway driving. At times in the summer and driving slower, I managed 60-64 mpg. Winter it was usually around 42-44. The c can keep up with traffic just fine, though it makes a whining noise when you have to go up a steep hill fast. It's also very easy to parallel park with one, and if you have the room, you can probably do a U-turn on most streets where other cars would require a Y-turn, unless you get the 16" wheels on the 4 trim (the highest trim for the c). Like ftl and PeterHaas mentioned, Toyota's hybrid batteries are pretty reliable, and I haven't had any issues with it yet, nor has my brother who drives it now. My main complaints on the c was the road/wind noise at higher speeds, and it doesn't have a very good suspension system, so you'll definitely feel every bump on the road. But I usually turned my music up a little, and got used to the bumps. In winter, I had snow tires on my c, and other than deep snow, it ran just fine in the cold.
FYI...of the choices, the Lime Green finish is the hardest to blend/match after repair...and you will likely always see it. Ask your body shop.
Hello, myself I'd purchase a 2015 rather than a 2016. I think it better to start saving on gas costs right away and who knows, gas prices might be up later which would make all hybrids more in demand. Of course, gas prices might be down, if I were able to predict accurately I'd be a commodity speculator. The C engine is not overly loud. The only time I find it irritating is during fast acceleration and when climbing very steep grades at a high speed. I think the slight irritation is a result of the CVT transmission in conjunction with the engine. I recently took a long trip with my girlfriend, she found she was able to sleep in both the rear and front seats comfortably. She's a small woman, however, and very flexible. I did sleep in the front seat without problems when she was driving. Regarding color I can't help. Pure white was my choice. Toyota droped it, shows how good I am with colors. The C is a wonderful car and worthy of serious consideration if it suits your needs.
The Prius C is a great car and one of my favorite cars. I have owned more than 20 cars. The engine is not loud, there is very little wind noise and the suspension in not harsh, but not soft either, which makes it handle pretty good. The materials of the cabin are hard plastics, but I have not seen any scratches of any kind. The seats are comfortable, for short drives, anything over a few hours may become uncomfortable. The trunk has always been big enough for me. Its a fun car and depending on the color, actually can turn heads. I prefer the 2012-2014 front end to the new 2015 front end. For the price and the savings in gas, its hard to beat.
I have the absolute red Prius c2 2015. Wonderful car. The color is beautiful. Yes and I too hope it never fades. Toyota products are usually the best. I hope to have this car for 10 to 15 years.
I am 5ft 3 and have slept in the back of my prius c several times on cross country and coastline trips and although i also had a dog in the car with me i found it kinda difficult to find a good position. 1.uneven surface from cargo area to seat with them folded down or completly removed. 2. if your id say 5ft 5 or above you prabably couldnt fit laying st8 even with seats forward, but if seats forwar and leaned forwar u can put your feet inbewtween the front seats. more than possible, much more comfortable with some heavy padding which i did , and also leveling out the area i have seen some nifty tent thing for the trunk... i dont have one but that could give additional space i could imagine
what is the area on the inside of the head lights? it looks like LED DRL's but that isn't the case and I don't see it as option on any of the levels.
If you're referring to the '15. Nothing. there's no lights or anything that would light it up. I had a post about it, with pictures. If you want to do a DIY, it is possible to light it up.