I bought my Prius in 2012. Even when i bought it, the navigation maps were way out of date. We have a year old, major highway by my house, that it doens't know exists. At any rate, my salesman told me he would update if for me, now three years have gone by and he still gives me a lame excuse. Is it that difficult or expensive to do? Advice?
It's about $200, maybe a little more. And yes, it's difficult. They have to figure out which unit is actually in there, order the update, then install it. I doubt they do many at what they charge, so they may have to "learn" on your vehicle. You can get a new Garmin Nuvi for that and velcro it over the stock screen! Which is what I'm considering. Has to be removable because of the other functions the screen allows.
Is it that difficult or expensive to do? Yes. Toyota's DVD is as expensive as a standalone GPS unit. When the salesman told you he would update it for you was that included in the sales contract? My guess is that the answer is "no" so you're SOL. Advice? First, put everything in writing on the sales contract. Second, don't submit the customer satisfaction survey until you are satisfied. Third, don't sign the contract until the car's condition is acceptable.
BS!! Yes it is about $200, but the installation is very easy!! I updated my 2011 about 4 months ago. Took me just a couple of minutes. The only issue is that you may need to reset some custom settings (specifically the average speeds), as they get reset to the system defaults.
On YOUR vehicle. My friend with a C had problems -at the dealer-. They had to remove the unit to determine which one it had.
HDD type is more complicated, but no, you definitely don't have to remove any head unit to have it done. MT2L03 ?
Activation card is $169 retail. Depending on where you go, it may be a half hour labor. One quoted me $60. The one I ended up going with just charged for the card! I got lucky. MT2L03 ?
OP- Are you willing to pay for an update. I'm afraid I have to agree with the other poster. I wish you got the salesman's statement in writing. MT2L03 ?
So the real issue is what type of GPS does the OP have. If it is a DVD/CD based system (like I have) i is definitely an easy DIY deal. It gets more complicated (meaning dealer has to do the upgrade by directly downloading the data. Apparently, in either case removing the GPS unit should not be necessary (unless the dealer doesn't know what they are doing).
A dealer doesn't have to be the one to do it, but it is even more expensive doing it on your own. (I did it that way in 2013, something I am not sure I want to go through again.) Activation card is just a card with a license on it. Each dealership has a USB SST/USB dongle that has the data on it. You can purchase one of these on your own, my cost back in 2013 was $90. Access to Toyota TIS Professional is required to produce an installation code, $55 last time I checked. Those three add up... Since the OP has a 2012, I'm pretty sure it's a HDD type. Dealer parts departments get a nice laminated matrix with what goes to what, but they don't usually know that you get nothing but a code when you purchase the ACN. The technicians should know by now... I've been trying to post a picture of the matrix, but it is too large. I may try to post a link to photobucket...
Nerdalert...you need to respond whether or not the update promise was in writing and was the sale from a Toyota Dealership.
Sorry, i have been traveling (with old maps of course). No, it was a verbal agreement. Thanks all posters. I guess i will have to throw a big fit, not sure it's worth it...