:angry: Does anyone else share my inability to be understood by the Prius? The one command that NEVER works is "Voice Guidance Off." Other people in my car have tried, I've even tried using a fake Japanese accent to say it. No work-ee. Anyone have any suggestions on how to train this thing or other phrasing that might work? Thanks.
Have you tried "Suspend Guidance" or "Stop Guidance"? Just a thought. And here's an unofficial Priuschat Official Navigation Commands. Meant to be printed front-and-back and stapled along the side like a book. I know the author, he's a schmuck but the document turned out pretty good anyway. http://priuschat.com/forums/files/prius_na...on_commands.pdf
Suspend guidance always works for me. It's go home that often doesn't work. I often end up with Golf Courses!
If your Prius is a 2006 model (the 2006 navigation system is different from the 2004-2005 models), please see this thread about 2006 voice recognition problems: http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=15018 - Bob R.