BRIDGESTONE ECOPIA Just took them off today. Got 91,250 miles out of them. Anyone else here got 90,000 + out of their tires?
Dang it: "Bridgestone Ecopia" is not a tire. C'mon, complete the description please. I'm ok now... Assuming they're Ecopia EP20, that mileage is phenominal. How much tread depth was there, gotta assume you didn't get much snow. Assuming you ran them down to the wear bars, and then some, and not sure that earns a merit badge, lol. I'd much rather swap out tires when they're anywhere less than 5/32" remaining.
I just bought a used 2013 level 4 with about 16k miles and the Ecopia ep20 tires on it have around 6/32" left on them What PSI do you guys or most people run on them ? Has anyone had any luck when you swap out the Original tires getting them discounted or pro-rated ? Original inception date of the car was 02/17/2014
Wow that's great. You probably did wear them down way past wear bars and into rims for a few miles I got close to 60 on mine but I still had water channels. It rains a bunch here so I couldn't go lower.
It seems a bit hasty to make that accusation without better evidence. I used to routinely go over 100K miles without getting into the wear-out bars---although on much lighter cars.
44 psi all the way around down to the wear bars but not past 95% freeway / highway mileage I rotated my tires every 10k miles They could have easily gone for 100+ But I decided to replace them with michelin energy saver as
Nice; just got my 2013 recently. Did some research and it looks like the Michelin energy saver a/s should be just about the best tire for it. Great reviews. One of the first things I did when I got my car a few weeks ago; all new Michelins. It had mismatched tires; Coopers (almost new) in the front and I forget what up front; almost bald. So far so good on these Michelins. Nice, smooth ride, pretty quiet. I'll be shooting for that 90,000+ mileage; fingers crossed ; )
Here's a snapshot of Bridgestone Ecopia EP20, with maybe 4/32" remaining tread depth. They're legal, but my take, it's like driving at dusk with no headlights, not commendable. Don't even think about dealing with snow with these, they're essentially racing slicks. This was just before I took those rims and got replacement, same tire for that matter.
Those look like my EP20's at 73k miles. There's no snow or rain in sunny CA no matter how much I pray for it. No precipitation whatsoever. I'll probably run on these for another 20k miles to the wear bars.
that's the key here. i never ever got more than 30,000-40,000 miles from a stock tire driving mostly in city.
I need new tires, and the Michelin energy saver is not available right now. Would you recommend the Bridgestone Ecopias? I've been looking for a week, and two Costcos have called Michelin for me, and the Energy Savers are on back order.
Ecopia EP20 are good for mpg, right from the start. Decent tire. ONY come in 195/65R15. In that size I'd pick them as opposed to EP422.