Has anyone installed a hitch and trailer wiring on a 2015 PIP? I found ZERO posts about installing a Curt 11276 hitch on a 2015 PIP. Or installing ANY OTHER hitch on a 2015 PIP. Same applies to adding wiring for towing a trailer behind a 2015 PIP. Is the 2015 different than the 2014 in the area where the hitch would go? And where the taillight converter would be spliced in?
i don't think there have been any changes in pip since inception. have you found posts on 2012, 13 or 14?
I have not found posts which say the 14 and 15 differ, but I haven't found any authoritative source saying they are the same. Well, depends on how someone defines "authoritative", I guess. In this article, Autotrader.com says, "After a 2012 debut, the Prius Plug-in is unchanged for the 2015 model year." What bothers me as I am waiting to take delivery of a 2015 PIP in 2 days, is that I cannot find any hitchmaker (including Curt and Draw-tite) whose specialists or whose website says that their hitch that "works" for a 2014 PIP also works for a 2015 PIP. Ditto for a wiring harness. Since the '15 has been out for quite a while, I think it's reasonable to expect that by now hitchmakers would have updated their files to state that the hitch/wiring kit works for 2015 PIPs. Yet, they have not. In fact, two reputable hitch installer businesses who I contacted called the Curt and Draw-tite manufacturers and spoke to their technical people. They all said that their hitches and wiring kits were NOT approved for installation in a 2015 PIP. And, so it goes. Fun being on the "bleeding edge", I guess.
PC's Darell used to post quite a bit here, including his Prius trailer stuff - and if you can't find his trailer hitch/wiring stuff here on PC, it's on his evnut web pages too ... although it may have been killed off during the latest software migration. Since there's not that much change in places to tap into existing wiring, and equally challenging hitch mounting issue - this may help get you started; First, wiring hints Prius Trailer Wiring Hitch ideas; Prius Hitch In short, you'll note he had to deflect hot exhaust, in order to get the cleanest install, and keep plastic underside from melting. Good luck! .