Good afternoon folks, New guy here in Anchorage, Alaska with a 2015 C2. My wife and I wanted to add a nice city car to our fleet and this just makes more sense for my weekly commute . On the weekend, we go camping , hiking, skiing, etc so we have the FJ80 Cruiser for that. I also own a 1973 Datsun 240Z that fills my manual transmission carbureted old car needs. We just picked up the Prius last night and so far I'm loving it. I have a 1.2 mile commute to work and while I'd walk if I could, I have to drive to other locations in town occasionally during the week at random so it's not an option. Plus, winters are COLD here. The Prius has the rubber floor mats and a block heater so it's pretty well ready to go for up here. I'll have a separate set of wheels for snow tires as well when the time comes. Looking forward to reading up on here and maybe being able to contribute a few things as well.
Welcome aboard Jay, enjoy your ride! Have a 47mpg, six year average on my 2010. See you around. Peter
Yeah that Land Cruiser is a tank. 11-12 mpg but just goes anywhere all the time. Hi Peter (Parker I assume haha), Good to know you have a great average yearly with the Prius in Alaska. I wondered how the cold would effect it overall but if my yearly average is around that, I'll be happy. I'll be using my block heater often in the winter months for sure. I know it's not as necessary but more than mileage, I just want the ICE to come up to full temp every once in a while since I will be doing lots of short trips. Thanks all!
Oh course, Parker. Anyways, there was another guy on here a while back that lived on the hillside and had a short commute. He didn't have a garage either and was disappointed with his mileage (41-43 I think). I suspect he might have sold it. Those conditions can take quite a bite out of the performance. Mine is garaged and I have about 30 mile rt commute on mostly flat road. Pretty ideal conditions. Your c might handle things better. Grill blocking and the block heater will help. If you can get away with stud-less winter tires, that will help too. But in any case, it will likely get better mileage than the rest of the inventory combined. cheers.
Yeah even low 40s is great for a ridiculously short commute. Gas once a month or more sounds fantastic. I had a 2012 tdi Jetta that fell apart at 20k miles with 7 mile commutes in Atlanta, so now that we are here and my driving is so much different, I think this c will fit the bill perfectly. We have a set of studs for the land cruiser for going out of town and I'm going to see how the prius does with these stock tires this winter before I buy snow tires. I'd buy studless if I did for sure.