"I can't get any respect!" As Rodney would say. That is how I feel driving my Prius. I swear, people intentionally pull out in front of me, cut me off and tailgate. I think it is due to the car I choose to drive. And I cannot believe it. I do not drive any different than when I drove any other car over the MANY years I have been driving. Except this time I am driving a Prius, and I think people have a problem with that. I am a newbie with my Prius, since I have only had her since The first of Feb. But this has been an ongoing thing that I have personally noticed since driving the P. Very odd... And I am NOT a slow driver. I am not a hypermiler. So there is no reason for other drivers to pretend I am not there and cut me off and just in general drive as if I was not there. For the last 12 years I drove a minivan. It was hard to miss the minivan on the road. And the Mazada MVP had a great pick up for a van, so I never experienced the belligerent attitudes of drivers like this before when I was in the minivan. When I drive my Camry, I don't get the same behavior from drivers like I do when I am in the Prius. What is up with this? All new to me.....
No you're not the first, and last Prius driver to experience this and feel this way. man, they love to tailgate a prius | PriusChat
Oh wow, thanks for the link. That is a major discussion! Will take some time to read through that one.
I think you're just on the cusp, of getting into a less territorial mindset on the road. There will always be strife in the road, but some of it is your reactions. Stick with it.
well you are in Tennessee anywhere the Midwest the south they feel if it's not an American car it don't belong on the road so don't worry about it do your thing and if they don't like it they can lump it remember if they make any kind of contact with you call your insurance company exchange information and they'll be found at fault then their insurance will go up that alone is getting even so do your thing even if you want to hypermile no one has the right to tell you what you can and can't do. just stay out of the path laid because they feel as though you have no to be or right to be in it then you should be good because in the end they will go around good luck
Is that the same as a backup camera? I like the sticker idea but it might infuriate the nut jobs even more!
no the cams record the actions around you in case someone hits you or cuts you off, etc. the back up cam allows you to see behind the car.
I don't really think it is an American car thing, as I also drive a Camry and don't have these issues when driving that car. And the Mazda I drove for ages was a Japanese car too. I do think maybe being in the "South" (Memphis area) that a large proportion of drivers are in large trucks or large SUVs. And they like to "intimidate" the smaller cars.
Thanks! Oh, I like that idea! Where do you get one of these and that sticker? I want to look into this.....
the cams are available at amazon et al, and there are many threads on them here. one model even displays real time on a special rear view mirror. the sticker would have to be custom.
It is just crazy aggressive drivers. It is not unique to a Prius. I had a Prius and they cut me off and was constantly too close to my rear. I now have a 2014 Avalon. No change.
Yeah, maybe just the crazies out there who are just in a hurry. Everybody is in a hurry to go nowhere. People just need to be more courteous and remember the basic "rules of the road". But it would be even better if they would stop "hating" on the Prius. It's a great car!
I have similar experiences with drivers upset that they are behind a Prius. Especially the BIG 4x4 Monster trucks & Harley Davidsons, Usually owned by aggressive, juvenile, show offs. Somehow me driving my Prius in a conservative manner makes them want to tailgate me, when they could just change lanes and pass by. I stay out of the fast lanes unless im going fast. But the slow lane is for slow drivers (Me) usually doing 60 to 65 with the cruise set. BTW The 60 to 105 mph acceleration of a Prius is superior to Large 4x4's and Harley Davidsons.
From what I've seen in movie clips, TV and comedy, the Prius might be the most maligned car in history. Now, some thieves have served notice of what they can do to Prius, and other hybrids with lighter batteries too - ONLY ON ABC7News.com: Car battery thefts from hybrid cars, especially Prius' on the rise in San Francisco | abc7news.com Google