I have a 2009 and just purchased a used 2012 (I have a few more days to change my mind if I decide against it). While the 2012 has some great features the 2009 doesnt, I'm surprised at the number of design changes "for the worse" -- like removing the storage space in the door and the place the key fob can stick into the car, plus the poor visibility nav. Anyway one thing I'm concerned about is moving the battery vent to the bottom of the backseat from the top. I keep a soft-sided dog carrier strapped into the backseat at all times, and it's likely to cause some blockage if the dog moves around and slides a littlebit toward the door. [note I have two dog carriers back there, one in each seat]. Seems a shame for this to be a deal breaker, but I have to have the carrier there. I was thinking of getting one of those cell phone vent clips and clipping it to the vent as a "barrier" to keep the carrier from sliding in front of it. The vent is already a little bit blocked by the closed door, so am I only making the problem worse? Is that a really bad idea? Any other possible workarounds? Would love advice amd suggestions...
as long as it works, i don't see any problem. keep in mind, with a dog in the car, you do not want the vent blocked at all, and you should add a pre filter, as well as cleaning the fan on a regular basis.
Hey I just saw an old thread about vent blockage causing Gen3 batt failure and the poster (from UK) said Toyota had a new part to prevent that. Being a Gen2 owner I am not aware of this part previously. Believe Gen3 comes with a filter, whereas Gen2 was open no filter and subject to dog hair intrusion was specifically an issue.
Thanks! Can you point me to that thread? Also if there's another board I should post on, please let me know. My ipad showed far fewer board choices than my desktop this am.
So I posted something similar in a different thread (my ipad shows different forums than my desktop) so sorry for the repeat. I have a 2009 just purchased a 2012 (I have a few more days to change my mind though) and even though there are lots of great new bells and whistles, I have to say there are a number of redesign elements I am very disappointed in (missing drivers side door storage, poor nav visibility), but I'm most concerned a lot about the location of the battery vent in the back moving from the top to the bottom. I have a soft-sided dog carrier that is seat-belted into each back seat. If the dog shifts around, the carrier could conceivably cover or partially cover the vent. I am going to try to buy something that clips on to the vent to make a type of "barrier", like a clip on cell phone stand, but I'm not sure how concerned I should be about this, or if I'm just over-reacting. I would think people with kids would have this vent blocked all the time due to the amount of "kid crap" that accumulates in cars. Am I being overly paranoid or is this a genuine concern?
someone in another thread mentioned toyota sells some type of barrier, but i have not heard of it. you might check with parts dept. this has never been a complaint here, although we do ask people with problems if the vent is blocked, the answer is almost always, no.
Yes I think I saw that, but it appears to be a filter, rather than something that keeps the vent "unblocked" from the outside...
could be, some have added a bit of foam under the grille. as far as blocking is concerned, it shouldn't be too hard to cobble something together. necessity is the mother of invention!
The key fob plug is not needed in the GIII due to more advanced technology (holding the fob near the start button will supply enough power to activate it). But your complaint of lost storage space is valid. Even the cargo tray under the hatch floor is a bit smaller due to the battery vent tube intruding. In compensation you get about 10% more power and 10% better mileage with the GIII over the GII.
I know its not a necessity, but it was a really nice feature. Now I need to "put" the keys somewhere (in the reduced storage space) that I didn't have to before...
I don't know if you are being overly concerned. I, myself, have zero concern for it. I don't cover it per owners manual. I have two child seats back there and nothing ever accumulates over it permanently. The only thing I can think of is the towel I place to protect the seats and I just make sure not to cover the vent.
i keep my fob in my pocket, and my wife keeps hers in her purse. but there's a nice little storage are under the bridge, if you want to throw it there.
Why would you have to put the keys anywhere when you get in the car? I leave mine in my pocket and my wife leaves hers in her purse.
It's somewhat amusing what we complain about these days. Today we no longer risk breaking an arm, dislocating a shoulder or a back injury every time you start a car: Lada hand crank start