Took my 2006 up to Gateway Raceway I was #37 . My reaction time is terrible but to be fair it was my first time. I have the trunk apart and rear seats out from working on my shocks,didn't have my subs in either. First run with passenger and traction control off. Starting off in Base and shifting to Drive Best time VS a Neon Normal driving mode Even though I lost every race it didn't matter I had a great time. I want to go again and try for better reaction times.
Best time Worse time Was really curious what the times would be so I did it. This weekend I plan on getting a dyno and will post that in this thread too. Next month will be autocross. Please NO HATERS this is all in good fun
Interesting! Never taken my car to the strips. How full was the HV battery during these runs? Did you ever try power braking?
The battery on the screen went down to the two purple bars alot. Lightly tried power braking but guess I could try with the Ebrake on pressing throttle then releasing the brake. Really wasn't thinking about it but will next run.
For the low battery issue: During the Landspeed Prius runs, they held down the brake while pressing the gas moderately to get the engine to charge the battery fully between runs. From my personal experience, that battery charging works well. And for a quicker launch, practice working the brake and gas pedal for a quicker throttle response. Be default the Prius will hesitate when you only mash the gas pedal. But by working both carefully, you can get the lil car to launch much better. Always a good read: Got Hybrid? - Sport - Car and Driver
on a 1300 mile day driving back from key west to socal, I started thinking of a prius cannonball run, would be great fun but nowadays people dont have the same sense of humor. really is a great roadcar for what it is.
Did a DYNO last weekend, check it out here. I'm going to keep this thread just for future drag races or auto cross.
B stands for braking, (think long downhills where the battery fills) and will not improve acceleration at all.
For autocross definitely inflate the tires to at least max sidewall. If you are running with the SCCA guys ask for an experienced driver to ride with you. You'll have to take all the loose stuff out of the car, including the floor mats. It's a great learning experience. I'm a rally driver, not an autocrosser so I'm happy as long as I don't finish last.
You could do it - all you need is like 3 GPS units, a couple radar detectors and laser jammers, several police scanners, a couple extra fuel tanks, a spotter flying a plane, and a plan. I'd like to see the dyno sheet. I'd like to get some skidplates for my car to run during the winter - a few guys I know use zipties and semi trailer mudflaps. But nobody makes rally stuff for the Prius.
Also some empty gatorade bottles, a few "get out of jail free" cards. Does anybody know how to get the speed limiter to let you go above 105? Car will push through it but will go back to 105. Would not need too much extra fuel as you have to stretch sometime. Used to have a truck we towed a boaat to cabo with. 7 gas tanks feeding a 350 would get it down baja a aways.
No one has tried it but MicroImageOnline said they would install it... but they closed... GReddy Speed Cut Controller for Toyota | PriusChat
The next time you go to the drags ask how to set your ET (elapses time) numbers on your back window so you can run a handicapped run against the other guy. This way the light gives you a head start and the other guy catches up. You have a real fighting chance to win once you can get good reaction times. To boost your battery just stomp on the brake hard, put the Prius in D and FLOOR the gas pedal. Watch the battery monitor on the MFD. Once the monitor goes green (7 bars) hold it until the 8th bar lights up. Then shut off the throttle. Note how long this takes. If the time is short, then do it right on the strip before you stage. If the time is too long, just pre-charge it before entering staging and finish the final charge. Everyone will wonder what you are doing. Just tell 'em you are feeding the squirrels inside the cage. The Prius has a 45 KW alternator so it charges really fast.
The Prius can hold its own in its class but it isn't going to beat a BMW, a WRX, a Corvette, or probably any other sports car. Bracket racing, where it is the consistency of the driver, is the only opportunity for winning in an open class.
Went to autocross for the first time!!! It was so much fun. First run was crappy like almost a minute. Had someone ride with me and my times started to improve from there. Put my ties at 40 PSI,took my subs and everything including floor mats out. Had my 17's a 215/ tire on and have been wondering if I'd do better with the factory 15's a 185 tire? My best and last run 51.768 54.384
Best time was 62.44. Different track than last time and it was about 100F outside. I left my rear coil overs damper setting at street and set my fronts to sport,maybe that slowed me down.
Some go with a thinner front sway bar, and sometimes also a stiffer rear sway bar, to aid turn-in for auto-x.
Found out the track length varies each time so they go off the others results. Here are the results from my first event last month. Hooray for all Prius kind,I wasn't last!