Hello got my 2015 PIP in September last year or so. My family member also got one around the same time. But one thing i noticed recently between mine and his is that my kwh and fuel saved by charge always stays at 0 even though i have charged the car a few times. Am I doing something wrong?
Well it looks like you are running in EV mode only 1% of the time. I'm thinking you do mostly lots of long trips and lots of miles between charges? Does your EV mode come on automatically when you start the car? It should. If yes, do you always turn it off when it comes on?
How many times have you charged the car? And do you charge it all the way? I'm assuming yes based on the ratio screen. And then yes, something in the computer/display is definitely wrong. It should probably read at around 60-90 kwh based on 300 miles.
Sure seems like you're plugging it in but it's not actually charging. Next time you plug it in, press the start button. The graphic should show you how fast you are charging and how long it will take to finish.
We need more info from O/P before making any judgement. The 303 EV miles could comprise of several charges and EV miles collected in downhill driving by switching to EV (when allowed). Those Downhill EV miles make the kWh counter to count down! I wonder if we can have a situation of "kWh credit" i.e. negative number, from O/P screenshot I gather that probably not, I have to check it sometime by resetting ratio screen just before or during a long downhill section.
Hey everyone thank you for the replys. I always charge to full, have charged about 25 times. I don't do any downhill driving. To me it just seems weird that it's 0 for everything. I know I'm not the most efficient driver but I'm sure there should be a charge being registered.
kWh used counts energy out minus energy in (regeneration) during EV driving. Your HV MPG is quite low. Are you operating the HV/EV button a lot, toggling between the two? Are you constantly monitoring the EV ratio screen or just a glance every long period? Your screen is interesting being peculiar, could be a mal-function but could also be a result of your driving habits. EDIT - Added Those ~25 charges, were they from empty battery? half or more full?
If you don't mind "losing" the data currently on the screen, you could just reset it, and continue charging & driving like normal and see if it starts working normally. Just hold down the TRIP button for a few seconds to clear it out.
The 25 charges or so have all been from a empty EV battery. I dont use the HV-EV button at all. I just uses the charge until it runs out then drive like normal
In power mode the white EV indicator never lights up, and no EV driving could be calculated as no Gas saved. (Edit) Oops, could not find anything to support that Power mode will not allow EV (electric only) driving. So even in power mode there should be some EV driving and fuel savings over that many miles. Anybody else notice that the 2015 PiP Fuel saved by charging now has a decimal point. No more reporting 0.99 gallons saved as 0 gallons.
The European version always had one digit decimal on fuel saved by charge and it's liters! fuel used report however is in integers.