Yesterday I bought a certified 2010 II with 51,000 miles on it. (Red! And not a ding on it!) My beloved 12 y/o Matrix died and I chose the Prius after seeing it come up again and again on lists of the most reliable and cheap to maintain used cars, and another hatchback with great gas mileage was my preference. (My Matrix could hit 40 MPG, average was 36-38. Excited for 50 plus in a Prius!) I test drove a bunch of cars and liked the Prius the most. So far, one thing I know will take some getting used to is the snub nosed front end--a bit hard for me to tell where the hood ends when parking in a tight spot! (I had the same issue when I've driven a Honda Fit. I've always driven older, "boxier" cars.) I'm excited to pick it up on Tuesday! Here it is (I know it's a crappy picture that looks like a typical used car lot ad, but it was the best I could do yesterday):
Thanks! I've been lurking on the forums for a while as I made my decision (they've been a big help). Excited to finally have one and get to drive it soon!
yankee Prius! went to town.... Welcome! Presuming CARB state orig ownership, you should be covered by CARB warranty to 2020 and 150k miles.
Thanks everyone! It came from Massachusetts and I bought it in Vermont so it's covered! What a relief. I hope to get many years out of it, I don't drive that many miles and my family has always tended to keep cars 10-15 years... So excited!
When I get a new car I always enlist the help of a friend to stand at each corner of the car while I'm in the driver's seat, gives me an idea of where the car ends.
Update: I picked the red beauty up on Tuesday, and so far am LOVING it! I haven't done any long trips yet, just around town. But it's so nice to have a newer (and QUIET!) car after years of rattling, complaining 10+ year old cars! So smooth and fun to drive. I'm sure I'll be back when I have questions or something more interesting to share than my gushing while in the throes of the excitement at having a new car! Here's a (crummy, I know...) picture of it in its "natural habitat," if you will: