Just curious. MS is pushing the installation of Windows 10 for free. Saying things such as get it now, if you wait, you might have to get in line for three weeks or more. Having not the greatest opinion of MS, and perfectly happy with Windows 7, not sure I want to switch. I have read things on computer blogs/forums/etc., but would prefer to hear from real people here, if anyone has an opinion. Kris
I've been running the beta ("release candidates" in MS lingo) for well over a year. Essentially Win10 is Win7.2. I don't know why you wouldn't have a great opinion of Microsoft. Everyone loves to hate, but they really are pretty awesome if you consider what they do and how well they do it. I just bought a new lappy with Win8.1 on it and after trying to live with it for a couple weeks, I am stripping it back to Win7 this weekend. But I will be buying Win10 as soon as it is out. Also keep in mind Microsoft has announced they plan to do away with Win# versions in the future and just go to one ever-upgrading OS with zero control over updates unless you have an enterprise edition. I am guessing/hoping they back off of this, but if true, then Windows 10 will be the last true version of Windows and you should stock up with licenses while you can. I will NOT have my development machine upgrading without me telling it when to.
You don't need to buy windoze 10, they are giving it out for free, starting a few days AGO....people hate
I really hated it when we came back from a long weekend and found that a major multi-day hardware test was wrecked by a forced update that forced a system reboot shortly after we left for the weekend. And this even happened in the test labs of a large unnamed company in Redmond.
I'm running Win 7 Tried beta versions of Win 8 out of fear my computer skills would go obsolete....did not happen. Microsoft behaved like it was 1999 and they could force an OS on users - fail. So many lifelong MS users asking why Redmond was trying to drive them to Apple or Linux. Specifically, I mean the Start button....users love it even if it's obsolete. These are my two concerns: will the return of the Start button allow me to navigate like in Win 7? Can I group and multi-task about the same? I'm all for progress, but NOT for a bad OS.
I just ordered a new desktop I went with Windows 7 ..few years ago I had got my mother a Windows 8 desktop and it has been problematic. I'll wait to hear comments but probably update Mom's machine to 10. Is there any reason Windows 10 needs more memory? I saw one guy said he was getting 16GB memory thinking ahead to the 10 upgrade.
Win 10 is going to be "officially" released on June 29, IIRC. It will be a free upgrade for all Win 7/8 machines for one year. I am going to wait a few months to see how it plays out before upgrading.
Yeah, I'll wait and see reviews. Win 7 was great, Win 8 was and is a complete disaster. Unfortunately my newest gaming rig has Win 8 on it so I'm only concerned about possibly upgrading it as my other machines have Win 7 and will stay with it. Problem is with a gaming rig with dual 12gb video cards running at 4K, it may be a while before stable working drivers become available for a new OS.
Windows 8 is somewhat pointless if you don't have the latest & greatest hardware... touch-screen, solid-state drive, AC router, etc. Windows 10 will make upgrading worthwhile for those who have older hardware.
Byte? Not yet. My company (Big Bell) uses W7 which I'm rather fond of. We also use IOS for most of our slates which I'm rather less fond of, but it beats the heck out of the Fisher-Price interface of Windows 8. I'm actually between computers at present, except for work-issued devices and one ancient laptop running Linux (Mint.) Netbooks/Chromebooks are making a comeback. If I buy one that happens to have W10 on it, I'll give it a tumble, but I'm not going to buy it. That's rather like paying for a long distance phone call. YMMV
It's a no brainer to accept Microsoft's free windows 10 offer. Eventually support for 7 & 8 will expire and 10 will live on longer. I'm not talking about security updates but support as in new programs and applications will only run on a current OS. Notice I said accept and not install. I have no intention of installing an OS that doesn't have a x.1 or Service Pack 1. I'll let others beta test for a year. It's a no brainer to accept Microsoft's offer for Windows 10 but you can choose when to install and crucially to uninstall. This is a far cry from a certain fruit company. If you updated to the latest OS and don't like it? Sorry, no going back. Google and Microsoft will still let you downgrade. I like Microsoft just fine. They didn't force Windows 8's no Start button on me. I tried it, didn't like it and went back to 7. I tried iOS 8.1 and didn't like it, I'm stuck. On a side note, I find it curious Microsoft skipped 9. Windows 3, 5 (XP), & 7 equals good. Windows 4 (95, 98, ME), 6 (Vista), & 8 equals bad. With the exception of 98 SE which was OEM only, even numbered versions have been shunned by the public. I hope this isn't Microsoft telling us they are intentionally releasing another OS we won't like.
My desktop still using XP. Biggest issue with win8x is the lack of traditional start menu. It uses that metro crap that no one wants. Add a start menu app and win8.x behaves like win7. I added the start menu and quick launch bar and change the taskbar to look like XP. The frustration is gone. You can also set win8.x to boot to desktop instead of the metro start screen.
I'm running Windows 7, on a couple of machines here. I don't much care for the look of Windows 8; actually first thing I always do is revert the interface to "classic". I've reserved the Windows 10 upgrade, but my number one question, and have to admit I haven't looked to hard, but answers are not jumping out: What is the Windows 10 interface gonna look like? Windows 8 or Windows 7? Is it possible to make it like Windows 7 appearance?
I know you folks are not going to believe me, but here goes anyway: If you want to see a truly excellent implementation of a 'Start' button, try ChromeOS
^ I actually don't mind ChromeOS that much, but it seems to be more browser-toy than serious OS from my admittedly limited test flights. If all you're going to do is surf, listen and watch, you might as well be driving an Apple. Again....I haven't tried to do anything more serious with Chrome than just poke around a bit. Caveat: I have a dongle for my I-air and I do have the ability to physically log into some of my gear, and sometimes it has proven to be more useful than PITA when I'm in a far-flung office.....but IOS and I are still having a tumultuous honeymoon---probably not being helped by the kind, helpful, courteous folks in our IT department...... I remain interested in W10, but I really don't have time for it right now.
I hear that a lot -- usually from people who use the computer to play video games. No doubt though -- ChromeOS presumes a good internet connection, at least most of the time. I have been seriously considering buying the ASUS UltraBook UX305, ditching the MS crap and installing Ubuntu and then a ChromeOS layer on top since I like the interface so much. The only thing really holding me back is the 'PC' keyboard. My brain is hard-wired to expect a large meta key next to the spacebar as found on Apple and Chromebook keyboards.