I am used to decline in mpg in the winter, but during 50F days recently my performance has dropped from 52 mpg (during 60-70F days) to 46 mpg. 2012 Prius w/ 58,000 miles. Anyone else experiencing this?
check your 12v health, tyre pressure and etc. have you done all the required maint.? how is the air filter and oil level?
No. As a matter of fact the last few weeks my driving cycle has been very similar day to day. I have been primarily doing 16 miles via Garden State Parkway and returning 16 miles, pretty much keeping the indicator in the "Eco" zone and cruising along at about 70 mph.
are the last few weeks a different pattern than when you were getting 52? what were your winter mpg's? i assume summer gas formulation has already arrived.
I'd call it a fuelling error if the drop was just on one tank. I see that kind of difference between a month of short hops (392 miles 47.8mpg) and a long trip (258 miles 53.9mpg). Sunday's storm with the standing water, slow traffic, and the defroster use would have taken a hit. Since you cleared all the usual suspects I don't have any bright ideas.