Just got a 2015 3 weeks ago and a rock flew in my front windshield... Anyone know the price for the replacement?
Shop around. Aftermarket glass and installation cost $400 on our hatchback about a year ago. Toyota glass costs a lot more. SCH-I535
I think if you have glass breakage insurance. It only cost you $100 deductible and your rate won't even go up.
Windshield repair and replacement deductible info "If you live in California, Massachusetts, Florida, or South Carolina, state law is on your side where windshields are concerned. In these four states, there are laws on the books stating that your insurance company must waive your deductible for windshield replacement. This only applies to comprehensive coverage, but it’s a good thing to know when you’re confronted with this type of repair. "
Unfortunately my comprehensive coverage has 1k deductible to pay... So I paid out of pocket. I got it changed the day after the incident. The windshield and the seal are $1000 and need to add work time.