Good article, many of those that might not think so probably fall into a third category of driver not mentioned. Those that intentionally engage in this behavior just because. "The system works best when people aren't hogging the left lane. That's one reason why National Motorists Association has declared June Lane Courtesy Month in an effort to to raise awareness about the importance of getting out of the left lane." Why you shouldn't drive slowly in the left lane - Vox
I've read too many posts in this very forum from left laners who can't understand why they're being hated and tailgated even though they're at PSL +. Most of them honestly do not know that they're breaking the law, and you cannot fix ignorance with hate. I'm a pretty patient driver, and there's never an excuse to tailgate, so I usually just try to relax and wait for them to gain access to a clue. Usually some impatient kid will squeeze into the gap between me and the left lane hog, and I'll just back off another 2 seconds and let them duke it out. It's not just a Prius thing. Left Lamers were around long before Priuses, and they'll be here after Priuses are gone.
The interesting thing I notice about new (or prospective) Prius owners is that they had no idea other lanes existed. "You have to drive 85 or they run right over you." I bet that is true in the left lane, and I bet each lane to the right is going at some slower speed. I find that one over the speed limit puts me going the same speed as the semis in the right lane.
oh boy, this should be good for a few hundred posts. if you're driving the psl in the next to left lane, and the person behind you passes you in the left lane, are they breaking the law?
Some days they're whipping by us on both sides, lol. It's only a matter of time before we're pulled over and our car impounded. I mean: obeying the speed limit, what were we thinking. I stay right, get behind trucks/buses, do what I can. Invariably, and often, there's less patient folk buzzing up behind us, hanging around for a mo', then zip over to the left lane(thankfully), and then diagonal across our front-left corner, too close for comfort as oft as not. You can see them flit from lane-to-lane on their way. Sometimes catch up with them at the next light, some times not. Don't really care.
Most have no idea what the PSL is for, or how they were arrived at. I reserve my discussion of such topics specifically for interstates and other thruways that are multi-lane. The article is spot on in most every way. There will always be idiots going too fast, or too slow. I generally go with the prevailing speed of whatever road I'm on. The basics of safety on the road, which the article also addresses, is that keeping the average speed of vehicles on interstates as close as possible is the safest, most predictable way to travel. Easier said than done I know. But left lane hogs that slow people down and cause backups are engaging in unsafe behavior. Some do it because they're unaware, some do it because it's their intent. Driving at the posted speed limit in the left lane because it's what you do, is an ignorant position on any multi-lane roadway. It does not prepare you for the speeding idiot coming up fast behind you, nor the consequences. Those that think the highway's PSL is a rigid mark, just don't know history, law enforcement positions, nor live in the real world. The vast majority of vehicles have always driven according to a feel-safe speed dependent upon conditions, not a PSL. In most cases, before government got into various regulatory acts, PSL's were created with that in mind. " Meanwhile, research has generally shown that the strongest predictor of an accident isn't speeding, but variance from the average speed of traffic — and a car going five miles per hour slower than the surrounding traffic has a greater chance of causing an accident than one going five miles per hour faster than it." Research has always shown that, and much of that research was used in secondary roads for determining posted speed limits. For those that love research, boring reports and graphs, here's an oldie that remains true today. Index - Synthesis of Safety Research Related to Speed and Speed Management, July 1998 - FHWA-RD-98-154 Those rigid thinkers that claimed there would be Blood In The Streets when speed limits were raised to 65 mph once again, were so incredibly wrong in every single way. Same with 70 mph and so on. On the other end of the spectrum, those in Florida proposing an increase to 80 mph on highways were just as wrong. It's not the PSL that really matters, most cops (and legislators), already knew the speeds of 75-80 were the norm. Research has always shown that the major causes for accidents on highways are; Too slow, not traveling at the prevailing speed Too fast for conditions Weaving in and out of lanes Tailgating Not paying attention Some that love to think they can change the world and turn everyone around to their way of thinking are actually a leading cause of road rage, and major backups and congestion on roadways. There's absolutely nobody, anywhere, be it government, law enforcement, whomever, that supports people driving slower in the left lane, or worse, intentionally creating a rolling roadblock to make people slow down. Interestingly enough, most Prius drivers in my state go by me on the interstate all the time. I make their lives easier, and the roadways safer, by not blocking them. It's just common sense. And yes, this discussion has been going on for at least 40 years.
if history, law enforcement and the real world suggest driving at the speed of the lowest common denominator on the road, why don't they add to the psl sign, 'suggested minimum' ? and no, i don't drive in the left lane. some of us are just uncomfortable at higher speeds.
Higher speeds increase the odds of accidents, and the likelihood and severity of injury. Obviously there has to be a balance, between efficiency and safety, but when there's a current set speed limit, and limits are raised, the accidents and injuries do increase. B.C. doctors warn of increased road trauma since introduction of higher speed limits |
What bothers me is when I find myself in the left lane because I legitimately used it to pass, and I want to get back over into the right hand lanes to satisfy the speed demons behind me, but I can't even get over because a whole parade of overly aggressive idiots are passing me on my right. I'll get over for you guys, if you'll let me. But they seem so anxious to "Pass The Prius" they won't even let me get over.
Or turning left onto a 2 lane (per direction) with someone closely following you through the turn. You play by rules, turn into the left lane, the guy behind goes for the right, then the dance begins. Recently: I'm in the right lane, but need to make a left turn in about 1/4 km, so I NEED to get over. I check my mirrors, there's a good space available. I signal a decent amount in advance of starting my lane change (my first mistake). Just about the time I start my lane change, the car at the back of the space wakes up, starts surging forward. I keep moving into the lane. The (lady) driver quickly closes the formerly decent distance, hits the brakes just short of our back bumper, leans on the horn, starts the gestures, swerves over to the right lane, swerves back in front of us, way too close.
That's called being an a-hole Mendel, I find that is so frequent nowadays I move quicker, and think quicker. Believe it or not, the left lane pokers and the idiots like you and TEM point to, have one thing in common, selfishness. Slow or fast, a-holes everywhere
If accidents increase when it's raised to 120 kph, which I believe is 74 miles per hour, they should reflect on that, as well as a proper review of prevailing speed patterns. Perhaps the old adage of PSL should be less than normal is a good one. For instance, 65 mph means 74-75 to most as the maximum tolerated. Maybe they went too far there. Just as they went way to far here trying to keep the old double nickel going (55 mph). Ours here is now 65 mph (104 kph?), and it feels good, with the vast majority somewhere at 70 mph. We still have the double-nickel in areas of high congestion and multiple onramps. Has anyone there done impartial studies as to the Why?
it's a cultural issue. the driving culture in US is very low. you would not have this discussion in Germany.
I typically drive on cruise control and follow trucks and trailers in the right-hand lane. But sometimes, you just get pestered by people who prefer to tailgate instead of pass. In my area, even in the right lane at the speed limit, cars will come up and tailgate for miles instead of passing. If the traffic is light, I'll change to the left lane and smile as the tailgater speeds up to pass me on the right. Once past, I pull back into the right lane and watch them drive off. Bob Wilson
You got that right Jack. But it's pretty diverse driving culture, those that like golf cart driving wearing helmets, and those that appreciate driving sensibly, but actually enjoy the task. Prius owners may not be the most diverse driving culture around, but I see people driving German sedans here that would be better off in a cab. That is annoying as all heck Bob, and doesn't make a lick of sense. Yet, people do it. I'll do that same little trick too here I do it to be funny, and prove my quiet point. They just drive off, maybe not even comprehending the ridiculousness of their actions. Gotta find some humor no matter how small
it'll all be over in a few short years with self driving cars. i bet they won't clog up the left lane.
You forgot fatigue which according to research is a leading factor in 25-40% of accidents. Unfortunately it's difficult to measure so it's more of a scientific wild nice person guess. Yes there is. In NZ, the police targetted the high end speeders for years without getting a result. Then they realised the way to slow down the high end speeders was to slow the majority of traffic so they started targetting the lower end speeders and have reduced the 'official' speed tolerance. Result is that speeds have dropped across the board. The road toll is dropping but there's a lot of other factors in that equation. The self driving car. That's a bandwagon I'm not jumping on. They started automating the aviation industry but are now giving pilots back more control.
It's very simple when driving on the highway... 1. Always be aware of what's happening around you. Monitor traffic breaks that will allow ample time for you. 2. If the road is crowded, then moving in and out of your lane will require more attention. Car spacing is usually much tighter. 3. If you are not prepared to drive faster, then stay out of the left lane.
Yes from time to time you see cars in Italy driving at posted speed limit. They all have something in common: they're black and they have German license plates. Very safe since everyone else drives ~20kph faster.