Hello, Can anyone please offer advice on this one? I have successfull paired my phone (Samsung S4) with the radio in my 2011 Prius. I can use the phone via the steering wheel controls/nav touchscreen, play music, apps, etc. through the BT connection without difficulty. However, when I switch to the Google Maps app, the voice directions will NOT play through the radio. If I disconnect the BT, the voice will still play just fine through my phone. I have checked all of the settings I can find, and all are enabled to allow voice through BT. Please assist if you can, this is is driving me crazy! Update: Still can't get it to connect intentionally. However, when I was on a call via BT yesterday, the map voice came through the car's speakers then as I had a map route running in the background. But still, I can't get just the map voice from my phone to play via BT. - Sl
yes when playing spotify / pandora / itune radio and using google navigation sometimes google turn by turn voice gets really low to the point you can't hear it you have to pause your radio and it usually get fix if you receive a notification alert, I am using iPhone 6 plus.
Yes. Also found this issue this weekend but for it was the opposite. Even though phone was primary phone connected, the only way I could get Google maps voice to play was by streaming music through the phone. This uses my data plan so not very scalable for longer trips. Would love any tips or advice here as well
Are you running Android OS? If so, Open Google Maps - Click on the Menu (which is three horizontal lines in the search field located in the upper left) - Click on Settings (scroll to bottom of the Menu) - Click on Navigation Settings - Ensure "Play voice over Bluetooth" has a checkbox next to it. If you are running Windows or Apple iOS, I'm not familiar with the layout of the Google Maps Application
Doesn't Maps also use your data plan? How practical is it for longer trips? I keep seeing people say they use Maps for navigation, but I always wonder how much data it would use on a 7,000-8,000 mile trip like the one I'm currently 3/4 of the way through. I'm left wondering if they only use it to navigate through major cities, etc. Heck, I can go from Phoenix to Savannah without using the nav, but I like knowing where I am, where I'm going, when I'm going to arrive and what's along the way.
Using Google maps would use your carriers data if you weren't in an area where you had WiFi (if your phone is capable of WiFi)
Thanks for tip. Unfortunately, this was already checked and I still can't maps to play over BT unless I have something else running as well. Would like to be able to just keep audio on FM stations and have maps play voice directions as well. Any other ideas?