I drive the same 12.1 mile route three days a week. When I first got my Prius, I drove it six times in ECO mode and six times in the default mode. The ECO mode gave me about two more miles per gallon...not enough to bother with since I like the throttle response in the default much better. Now I just drive the car like I've driven my past cars for the last 50 plus years and just enjoy the saving and great performance of the Prius.
Your response displays excellent examples of selection bias, confirmation bias, and logical fallacy. From early in the Gen3 introduction just over 6 years ago, Toyota made clear that, outside some tweaks related to the climate control and cruise control, the ECO/Normal/PWR modes just changed the gas pedal user interface. The mapping of that gas pedal position to the throttle control changes (possibly with some temporal filtering too), but nothing in the propulsion system function changed. Nothing about that pedal mapping directly changes MPG. In theory, the mode makes no MPG difference on the machine side (when CC and climate control off). A driver with superhuman coordination, dexterity, reaction time, and patience, should be able to get the same high MPG in all three modes. Only when common human factors are thrown in should those different user interfaces lead to differing results. What ECO mode was supposed to do was help ordinary drivers gain finer throttle control, so help enable better MPG. Over many many postings and threads over these six years, it has become clear that its success is mixed. Many of us indeed do better in ECO [case#1]. But many others did not. Some found no difference among modes [case#2], some did better in Normal [case#3], and like you, some did better in PWR [case#4]. It appears that different drivers have different mixtures of common human factors and foibles. You have focused in on a few examples in a single thread, supporting only your Case#4. You are dismissing all counterexamples from many other threads, with many examples of Cases #1, #2, and #3. This is selection bias, and confirmation bias. You are also taking a handful of uncontrolled, unscientific anecdotes, and presenting them as 'proof' that your Case#4 is the one and only correct result. This is a logical fallacy, anecdotes are not proof even in the absence of the above counterexamples. And you are throwing out Toyota's guidance on this issue, with no explanation whatsoever.
I've been using ECO mode now for a few weeks on our trip and I'm becoming a believer. I've driven over 3,000 miles with it now over the streets of Baltimore, back roads to Montague NJ and through the hills of central West Virginia along with freeways and I "think" I'm getting about 4 mpg more. I can only "think" it because I don't drive these routes but once. I have not experienced ANY problems on the freeways and there have been tons of 18-wheelers to contend with. ECO wasn't even a problem on the back roads of central WV that is very curvy and while the speed limit is 55, the curves REQUIRE slowing to 25 and 35 most of the time. I simply set CC at 45 most of the time because there was no traffic and I made ample use of "B" mode. The few times I've needed PWR, I simply hit the accelerator and it all "kicks in". Speeds averaged 10 mph over the posted limit because that was the only way I didn't get run over.
I tried out the "non mode" and found it nice to drive. However ECO mode made me feel better as far as gas savings...and living in Southern CA, traffic doesn't always allow me to go the speed limit, so might as well save some gas...
That could be why I "feel" like I'm getting better mileage in ECO, even the slowest driver here on the East Coast seems to add at least 10 mph to the speed limit, and I'm not just talking freeways. I have no problem driving fast, but some of these folks are downright scary.
Take a stroll around the Detroit area where they run 75-80 mph day n night Prius drivers over there haul nice person Mike
That's how CA is; everyone flies at 75-85 mph when traffic is clear. I have been passed by so many Prii...I bet they are not in "Eco" mode.
The car will obtain the same MPH or HP and TQ in any mode, the difference in in how soon the electric torque comes on and how fast it ramps up in the various modes PWR mode allows the electric torque to ramp up sooner and quicker than the other modes. Mike
ECO has been a real bear the past few days with the temps and humidity high here. As long as the car doesn't sit out in the sun too long, it's fine, but if the car is really warm, it takes a long time for the A/C to cool things down in ECO mode and the fan never reaches full speed. Obviously, the solution is to turn off ECO mode until the car cools down and the A/C can then keep up. It'll be interesting to see how ECO mode goes once we return to Phoenix on a couple of weeks.
Gotta spend some time counting fishie's before you take out. That should cool you down What kind of paddling do you do? I haven't had my kayak out in many years Mike
In a word, none. My daughter is having a home built in a new subdivision outside of Richmond Hill GA. Part of the master plan for the development includes an 4-mile long narrow "lake" that winds through the area. The HOA provides canoes and kayaks for residents to use, so my son-in-law, 2 grandsons and I just went exploring for an hour or so. We'll be back the middle of July when the home is done and maybe my wife and I will try the canoe.