I've had a 2007 Touring model for the last two years... Best car I've ever had. Has 131k & runs perfectly. I have been looking at the 200k and 299k+ thread and have not seen too many touring models on there w/Original HV battery. I just wanted to get some people to post some information about their touring models on this thread... And see how the cars are holding up.... what kind of mileage they have.... and whether they had the HV battery replaced or not. Cheers...
I'm averaging about 49mpg & my HV still holds a charge very well... I love the Touring model... It's super nice!
200kmi 2G Touring club. Unique, I like it. May I join? Extensive Maint & repair info at home, but looks like lots of people have posted already, including crazy CBarr... Incredibly cheap to run (amortized $/mi, total) and most reliable car I've ever owned. And I just bought my 8th Honda. Still on the original traction battery. Have only ever drained it completely 3x and down to 1 purple bar less than 10x. Attached is every dollar ever spent on my car. Picked it up as a TCUV.
2008 2G Prius T Spirit (UK version of Touring). Bought in June 2013 with 55k miles on the clock. Now at 73k and climbing. Ultra reliable, handles like a dream, has saved me over £4,000 in fuel bills since purchased - compared with the economy performance of my previous car. What's not to like? It's everything I've ever wanted in a vehicle, and a great deal more besides! It's best described as: "Much more than a car, a little bit less than a spaceship!" :-D
2007 package 6 Touring model with 191K miles. Been a real maintenance hog (kidding) as I had to replace one HID and earlier this year I replaced the 12V battery after almost 8 years of service. It still tested okay but I knew it was on borrowed time so I replaced it with the yellow top. I change oil every 5K miles but I am now consuming oil and have switched to high mileage oil which slowed the consumption some. I was a habitual user of the engine braking feature and (as previously reported on this board) believe that caused my valve guide seals to start leaking way early. I typically get 700-800 miles on a quart of oil but usually top it off before it gets that low. I still drive way too fast and have experienced 41.7 lifetime miles on my 191,000 odometer ticks. 200,000 mile club is looming in my windshield. It still handles very well and the suspension components are not showing signs of wear plus I am running original brake pads on all 4 corners. This is an amazing car that should still be in the option lineup. The Touring model was a paradigm shifter for me. Buy it if it checks out otherwise.
I have a Toruing model. 196k miles. Original 12v and traction batteries. Had a front left wheelbearing replaced ~8k miles ago though. Getting approximately 43mpg with 205-wide Dunlop Direzza Star Spec ZIIs (200 UTQG rating ).
As soon as I saw that photo and the houses in the background, I knew that was the UK. Sure enough you are not a million miles from where I was born and bred in the Eastcote/Pinner area
Gave mine to my daughter and she won't part with it. Offered her my 2012. Need tires! Suggestions for best MPG n Florida.