Took the Gen II to the county fairgrounds for a point of distribution exercise the other day. It was a nice change of routine, and I was having a bit of fun navigating the slop as the train of vehicles following the same paths was massaging the saturated, dirt lot. By the end, a lot of routes had given way to several inches of goo. I was really glad not to be one of the participants on-foot. I was hoping to make better use of electric drive that day but the mud took quite a bit of ICE power to get through. The engine stop was very nice when waiting for instructions or while the "medications" were being dispensed. I imagine it produced the lowest emissions of the vehicles participating, except for the GEM trucks doing the supply runs. Some of the hypothetically-completed information forms were pretty amusing. My first time through, I had the last name of "Troublesome" and had about 5 kids I hardly knew anything about (one of the officials suggested birth control). Another time, I had a child named Stu who was pregnant. I don't know how that happened. The last time though I was supposed to get grumpy at my "medical screeening" but the time ran out before I got to try out my acting. I know, I should have grabbed some pics, but I don't have that smartphone comfort level yet. They probably wouldn't have been very good anyway. News story: This is only a test: Boulder County drills on exposure to anthrax - Longmont Times-Call