I change my 2007 Prius transmission fluid at around 115K miles. The fluid still looks brand-new like the one I replaced it with. I was so surprised, I was expecting it to look darker at least. I am the original owner of the vehicle. Bought it with 2 miles on it. It has been a great vehicle, not very pretty, but very useful. I have just passed it on to a family member. Got myself a used 2012 Prius. Boy does the 2012 drive and feel better. love it so far.
Interesting counterpoint. Thanks. Still, think I'd rather err on overkill side with things like that. Especially an early first change.
Congrats! I have 820 miles so far on my 2015, and I've had it a little over a month. I have 61,000 miles on my 2006. The 2006 has never had it's fluid changed, so I may get on that. I may also want to replace the PCV valve. I replaced my 2002 G1 Prius' trans fluid at 101,000 miles and it was a dark pink - almost a brownish maroon color. I also dropped the pan and cleaned out some of the crud.