Presently I'm using a 60gb IPOD. Ya, not the classic. The 5th gen, (I think) before it was called the classic. It is not going to last forever, so wondering if anyone is using a SSD device that is compatible with the Prius JBL displays, using the USB connection. Thanks.
I have an iPod Classic 80Gb which is starting to show its age and I was thinking about the same thing recently. Probably any high capacity thumb drive would work. Large enough to hold all your material. Your choice of folder structure or play list arrangements. Not sure what the USB port looks like in the V. You might have to get a USB extension cord for some sticks to connect properly or for the convenience of attachment and removal. I listen to quite a few podcasts in my daily 140 mile commute and keeping those current will present a bit more of a manual challenge. I do like how the Apple product takes care of that for me. I suppose the only other choice now would be an iPhone or perhaps a reconditioned iPod. I keep nursing my iPod along in the mean time.
I guess I can load up a thumb drive and have a look.....My concern is the display, and being able to "browse", etc.... And what will be the "player"? I wonder what the software is like...... I'll take a look. I do see many modified 'pods on Ebay that are now using SSD.
I was just playing around with a 128 Mb memory stick and, apparently, various varieties of mp3 file. I just got some new mp3 files from Amazon Music, a free digital download with purchase of a CD. Those files won't play. I even checked file properties and there doesn't appear to be any DRM (says No across from Protected). Yet an older mp3 file I put on the stick queues right up and starts playing immediately. Strange behavior. I'll have to study that some more. The only thing different between the two mp3 files is the one that doesn't play has copyright information in file properties. Still, it should just play regardless of where I'm playing it. Works fine in my laptop. You might have the same JBL system I have, or similar. I have NAV and a 4 disk CD changer with the external auxiliary stereo plug and USB port in the center console. The user manual for that whole system is contained in a separate book. Pretty fancy. The instructions say, among other things, that you can have a folder file structure up to 8 deep. You can browse the folders and files from the menu that comes up when you press the Audio button, in the lower left corner of the system. I don't like the fact that files just start playing immediately when you switch to the USB tab. Some sort of default setting that you can't change. I think maybe the best way to go would be streaming Bluetooth from a phone or audio device. I'm considering that also as my iPod limps along.
I have the JBL Greenedge/Greenwood/Greenscheme, etc..system... A single disc DVD Player. Ya, can't wait to kick back and watch movies in the Prius! NOT! I tried both a CF card and SD card and got nothing from both sources. I will keep trying and let you all know if I have any luck.
If using the ipod via the USB input, the only way to control it is via the head unit. Once connected via the USB, the ipod is "dead".... Now, I believe when using via the analog output, (headphone out) that you are still able to control the ipod...but of course, no info on screen. I've also discovered some very peculiarities, when using IPOD through USB. 1) The "repeat" always becomes active...somehow the setting is changed in the ipod, not the on screen display. This happens 100% of the time when playing an album. Very.very annoying 2) 99% of the time, when I go back to "browse", the menu defaults to "a"...not the current selection. Another very annoying quirk. 3) Album art? 50% of the time it is wrong. (when it is correct on my ipod). Grace notes sucks....Must be a part of Entune?? 4) Give me a few minutes, I will come up with more.
Since you are wed to the JBL system, I would buy a 64 GB android smartphone for better compatibility. And probably cheaper.
Interesting thought.....Are they SSD or "flash drive"? I believe they are? And could connect via bluetooth.... I need to check that option out.
So far as I know, all smartphones these days are memory chips on the circuit board. That is the only way to make a device that is around 6-8 mm thick.
A few updates. I am able to sucessfully play files of a 16gb CF card directly into the USB with a card reader. So, I thought, I'm going to get a 128gb thumb drive. Should be great. NOT!.. After spending a few hours transfering files, (only 42gb thus far). I decided to give it a spin. It will play ONE song. ONE song...out of 45 gb. All files are tagged, etc...and in the root directory. Same files/structure that were put on the CF card. Only difference is where they are stored. CRAZY! o yes, it is FAT32
FAT32 is supposedly fine. That is the structure on my CF Cards. I just got of the phone with "customer service".....and they say usb drives are "hit or miss".....Great answers toyota! I should only use up to 8gb.... Kind of worthless that I should purchase 16 sticks instead of one.
I think my next option is to try to use my Nexus 7 Tab and bluetooth it.....With the Nexus media importer, i should be able to "stream" that way....We shall see. Again, this is for backup purposes for when my 60gb 5th gen Ipod bites it. The sound is better from the IPOD vs any other source so hopefully it will last.
Wow, should have tried this from the beginning! Using BT and Nexus 7 Tab, I can stream!! Ya BABY!! All you need is a OTG cable.. Here is a great article. Nexus Media Importer: A Savior For Nexus Users « Android.AppStorm
From a quick look at Ebay, you can buy a 64 GB iPod touch for around $100. No doubt less money when your old iPod eventually dies. Or by then, just buy a smartpone with enough capacity to also hold your music. I don't know why card reader/card solutions do not work reliably but you are not the first person to run into problems.
Organizing MP3s on a Flash Drive | PriusChat This is what I use, and it's more than enough for the amount of music I listen to.