Wonder if anyone can help me find a class action against Toyota regarding the booster pump and brake Assembly for Prius 2010 . 4 months ago my brakes failed. rapid beeping with brake light on. I pushed on the brakes and there was nothing. I had the car towed to the dealer. They said the hydraulic booster pump was shot and they could run a software since there is a recall. to cut it short - they said software did not correct it and asked me to change the booster and the assembly - which cost me $4200 with one year warranty. Luckily I had just brought my car out from the car wash when it happened otherwise it could have been very serious. I have been told that there is a class action on this problem. If any one has any knowledge of it I would really appreciate it - share with you whatever I get back from them. I never trust the dealers to start with. I have searched Google with no results.
You need to go back to the dealer and have them replace the pump under recall. It's not just a software recall. Owners of vehicles subject to this recall will receive a notification by first class mail. The recall remedy will involve inspection of the brake booster pump assembly to see if it is equipped with an involved accumulator. If so, the dealer will replace the brake booster pump assembly with an improved one at no cost to the customer.
I am the original owner - They said the software corrected something else but did not fix the brake issue. They wont replace for free since the warranty was over. I called Toyota co. and they wont do anything about it. The only way it seems we can win is through a class action if any going on. I contacted a couple of lawyers to no help. If there is a lawyers who is an expert on auto issues and can do a contingency case that would work. Thanks for all the suggestions.
you've escalated this issue to the service manager and/or general manager of the dealership? Sounds to me what they are saying is, they already did the recall and now they can't redo it. If you had the free time, you can stand outside of their dealership with a very big sign on their busy weekends and advertise their bad service and have customer never buy/service from them.....do this on the sidewalk and they can't do anything to you.
I suspect your confusing two seperate recalls for 2010 Prius brakes. Early in the gen 3 Prius run, there was a recall to update brake software. About a year ago their was another brake recall to replace brake pressure pumps with defective accumulators.. Either or both recalls should be done on Toyota's dime with no age / mileage limit. Also there is a way to get your money back from Toyota if the part failed and you replaced it on your dime. Their is a number to call in the operators manual to get this resolved and your repair money refunded.
that was limited to 2010 prius made before september 2009 IIRC. anyone with this problem needs to report it and the recall hopefully will be extended. this is a huge safety issue.
Thank you for the great suggestion. I have not been able to find that number. Could you tell me which particular dept. I need to call to get this resolved or if you have the number.
If there are no outstanding recalls on your car listed, you would not be able to get a refund. According to their system, your recall has been completed
I had the same issue Brake Accumulator Failure was my posting. My car was also out of the limited recall. Just make sure you file an actual case with Toyota (they will give you a claim number) I think that this issue will continue to grow and the recall could be expanded. That is the only hope of getting a refund. If the design did not change more and more accumulator will fail. Just be happy you did not have to drive 50 miles with that beeping... it is maddening. How many miles did yours fail at?
From what I understand Toyota did a "voluntary recall" where they set the parameters at 150,000 miles or 10 years. Mine went out at 153,000 miles. Calls to Toyota resulted in nothing but a "hope you don't die" attitude. That repair alone is over $2000. Then the dealer called me today and said the part won't work with my master cylinder - really? Toyota has a recall on these parts that is still active, but the part doesn't work with the car. Oh a new master cylinder is $1000, plus the car needs new brake pads - $300+ dollars. Can't junk it because I still owe on it, can't afford to fix it, can't sell it. Just a big paperweight at this point. I have emailed the Transportation safety people to ask why they would be aloud to set the parameters on a recall for a faulty part whose failure could result in death. No response yet. Any other ideas?