Today the California auto sales have been reported for 1Q2015 by My calcs from this show amazing high% of Hybrids and Plug_ins sold in CA this quarter. I saw a similar trend last year 1Q, which moderated somewhat by the end of 2014. Even higher CA% this year for 1Q. Kind of amazing: 67% of PHEV. We'll see what the green HOV sticker program ending does to this. 1Q2015 YTD Summary As far as I know, CA is the only state that gives us this quarterly data. By the way, CA is about 11% of US population, so anything over 11% is the extent to which CA is greater than national avg.
Very interesting, and I was one of the new Civic buyers.....Honda is really trying to move them as the 2016 model is on its way. Crazy that they predict another 2 million new cars to be sold this year in California. No wonder our freeways suck!
One also needs to keep in mind many PHEVs are ONLY available in CA, or CA and a few other states. It should be very interesting to see how the sales in CA go as soon as the last of the HOV stickers on vehicles on the dealer lots are gone. I wish all states reported quarterly data such as that.
Oh wow! mine of new data in that shows CA sales of all PHEV models. Now we can calculate % PiP sold in CA to date! and Volt and everything. Let me start doing some calcs!
Unforturnately for the pip, it looks like around 90% of them sold in california, and polls there say stickers were very important to pip sales. Probably a part of the reason production will stop in June, although the prius product team said on priuschat the stickers were not the reasons.
ya, i don't think it's the stickers, i just think they will have enough to meet projections until the next gen arrives.
...just reading that Georgia has voted to end their EV incentives, and I believe Washington state will also be ending EV incentives, AZ is ending until further notice their HOV plugin incentive and we know the CA green sticker story.
Just FYI: the Air Resources Board has updated their website in response to the report on InsideEVs. There appear to be a few stickers left, and if you wanted to get a new Prius Plug-in and drive in the carpool lane, now is the time to do it. Eligible Vehicles - Single Occupant Carpool Lane Use Stickers