Hi folks, I need help from the PC community members that have had a 3M Clear Bra installed. Last night I go to pick up my car at the dealership (took the car to the dealership who had the installer pick it up). After being told by my salesperson that the installer had to, "cut the film to get it to fit right," I take a look at the car and the first thing I notice are these wavy marks (looks like thin plastic warped by heat) on the bumper installation of the clear bra. I also see a ton of air bubbles. I told my salesperson at the dealership that I was unhappy with the installation. He said, "Don't pay the bill." I took the car into the dealership today, pointed out the problems with the installation to my salesperson and off we went to the installer. I tell the installer I am unhappy and why. First thing he says is that these warped areas on the bumper film (which I told him I knew wasn't the car paint) indicated that moisture was trapped under the film and the sun would warm it up and it would smooth out. I'm like :blink:. (I'm thinking, okay, I'm not stupid here...and don't try to pull one over on me because I'm a woman; but, I keep my mouth shut because my salesperson is standing there and we all live in a veryyyy small town). Then I show him all the water bubbles, the gaps, the fish mouths (I've seen it described that way on an other PC thread), and the grains of sand caught under the film, and he said he could fix most of those. Then he comes back to the wavy marks and now describes them as "stretch marks." He says it will happen every time because the film needs to be stretched tight during installation..I'm thinking, yeah, right, but there shouldn't be any stretch marks in a good installation. Then I question the need to cut the film in various places (leaving gaps in the protective film where rocks could still pummel my car) during installation when the film was supposedly machine cut to fit the vehicle. More song and dance, and no offer to completely redo the installation at no charge. To make a long story a bit shorter I told the guy that I will bring it back in tomorrow (he's installing another one today) and I will let him get rid of the air bubbles, the fish mouths... If I am still not happy he will need to purchase another bumper film and reapply it. I also said I would not pay the bill until I am satisfied with the installation. So, I wasn't a hard nice person (I live in a veryyy small town) and I tried to be nice. But, heck, I purchased the clear bra over a regular bra for a number of reasons. I love this car and want it to look nice, but I won't pay for a shabby job. My questions to you all: How many have ever heard the excuse that "stretch marks" are the "norm" and the installation will be never be perfect? Should I insist on having the bumper film totally re-installed (certainly at no cost to me)?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gilahiker @ Apr 18 2006, 01:33 PM) [snapback]241561[/snapback]</div> I have not had mine done yet, but my installer assures me that when he is done it will be perfect. No flaw’s, none. Also, every thread I read about clear bras says that you can’t see it until you get right up to it. That’s what all the advertisement’s say. I will be driving 500 miles to get mine done so I have had many discussions with my installer about paying for a perfect job and getting it. I think it’s supposed to be perfect but hopefully you will get some more feedback from people who have it. Check and see if your installer has tap dance shoes on? What about them taking it off and you going somewhere else to have it done? Is that an option, or does the installer say that getting it off will screw things up. If he’s going to screw you, try to at least get dinner and a movie out of him. This sounds bad. I wish ya luck!
I don't have one but I've seen some that do. No stretch marks visible nor did the owners mention stretch marks.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Apr 18 2006, 12:46 PM) [snapback]241643[/snapback]</div> I had the fish mouths whcih may be the same as a wavy edge? (I don't know what the technical industry term is for them.) You are correct to be suspicious, these problems just don't fix themself once they sit for awhile in the sun. It sounds like a sloppy job and I don't think this is going to be an easy fix unless it is redone. Dirt trapped under the film is not acceptible. When applied correctly the film lays flat and even, no stretch marks or other flaws. Stand your ground.
I installed the clear bra on my mirrors a little over a month ago. When first installed I had some very small bubbles and what looked to be stretch marks. After about a month of the car sitting in parking lots out in the sun I have to say they are virtually gone. If your car looks like a bad tint job you see on old beat up wanna be poser cars then I would have you installer repair their work. If its very minor see if you can wait 30 days and see what it looks like then. My instructions say that if you have any small water bubbles to just let them dry out. Takes about 30 days. Air bubbles you need to prick and let the air out. But on a good install you should not have air bubbles.
My hood and front bumper are perfect. Can't see any bubbles or stretch marks. My side mirrors are a different story. I can see what are best described as stretch marks and the edges are getting a little rough. The installer has assured me he'll make it right. I had it installed back in January.
The 3M clear bra material can be stretched up to about 20% without degradation. In fact, it must be stretched to map a 2-dimensional piece of plastic over a 3-d shape. But it done properly, with the material stretched over a large area, it should be invisible. The fact that there are bubbles, sand, and other imprefections leads me to believe this is a novice installer. I did my own 3M bra from a kit I bought on ebay. I studied the installation videos from several sources so I was prepared for the difficulty. Mine isn't perfect, but it does not display stretch marks or visible bubbles. I do have a couple of ridges on the sharply-curved bumper which should have been stretched tighter. I did not have to trim any part of the kit to make it fit. This also leads me to believe your installer stretched it beyond the recommended 20%.
Most people can not tell I have a clear bra installed. You can see the line across the hood but it is very easy to overlook, it's that good. I have no stretch marks or waves Now there are a couple of seams on the bumper, but those are in the pattern and were not hand cut. If my memory serves me right I think I have a couple very small gaps at some of the seams, nothing huge but they are there. Overall I was very pleased with my installation. I'd stick to your guns and get the job done right. Good luck !! Ken
Hi all, Thanks for all your information and support. Hyo Silver...nice comment. I was going to say something about stretch marks in the OP but let it go . jbarnart...thanks for the information on the 20% stretch without degradation information. Begreen...thanks for your comments...the fish mouths are at the edges of the film, the "stretch marks" are actually not on the edge in most of the cases. As for going somewhere else to have it done...not an option in this small town. I go off to do battle tomorrow and I will insist (politely) that it be redone until it is done properly (at no extra cost to me I might add). I will also, if need be, show him the comments from the PC community. Thanks again everyone. The PC community always comes through! Sorry I didn't respond quicker, but, hey, I actually had to go to meetings and work!
Hmmm, I dont want to have any stretchmarks on my front end Ill stick with the classic cotton leatherett bra for now...
i've had the 3M bra on for 2 years. mine was the first one the guy did here in san diego. after it was done, and i came to pick up the car....he agreed to re-do the thing. there were all kinds of imperfections, much like what has been described above. i returned 2 days later, it was perfect except for wavy-ness here and there which he said would go away and it did, totally. so, what's my point? have him do it over perhaps, and yes, some imperfections do appear to disappear in time. 30 days at the max. however, yes my paint is protected, no scratches, but the bra is now "pinged" from the road debris for which i bought the bra, and so i still see the effects of the road detritus, which still is bothersome, and the bra is as expensive as painting the hood and bumper, or nearly, i think i paid $600, so, to some extent it's six of one and half a dozen of the other. my 2 cents only.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Apr 18 2006, 05:09 PM) [snapback]241758[/snapback]</div> The classic cotton leatherette bra was not an option (getting away from the double entrende) because of too much sand in the Southwest...would have done some major microabrasion to the surface, requiring (cough) a complete overhaul...
No 3M, but DigiShield installed on my car. No cuts, bubbles, or waves. 3M should act the same. Sounds like a bad install.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gilahiker @ Apr 18 2006, 04:19 PM) [snapback]241764[/snapback]</div> I had some small bubbles that went away after a couple of weeks. My installer said to make sure he is using 3M product. Some knock offs show excessive stretch marks. Good luck.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jbarnhart @ Apr 18 2006, 03:42 PM) [snapback]241676[/snapback]</div> I am considering buying the bra kit on Ebay. I believe the material is thinner than the 3M material. My question is, is it thick enough to prevent stones damaging the paintwork?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Orf @ Apr 18 2006, 11:06 PM) [snapback]241971[/snapback]</div> You can get the thin stuff very cheaply, or you can pony up about $185 and get genuine 3M Paint Protection Film, which is what I did. The hood isn't hard to do, and the mirrors aren't that bad. The bumper is a chore, though, so know what you're in for. In my case, I wanted to experience the installation for myself. The film is actually considered a "consumable" product -- 3M warrants it for five years. It is expected to take the dings and abuse of the road debris which will dull its finish and require its replacement eventually. So I wanted to know how to do it myself to save some money. Installers in the S.F. Bay Area wanted between $650 and $850 for the full bra installed. I put my installation comments towards the end of this thread: Clear Bra Poll
You can't even see mine unless you look for it. The install job is bad, have them redo it, maybe even get a different installer
Well, I got it back earlier this afternoon. The installer apparently spent all morning on it, and replaced several areas, and it does show. The bra looks a 100% better. There are a few stretch marks, but I can live with them. By the way, this is the real 3M stuff, very thick, very heavy. I just think the installer (only place in town) hasn't done one in such a long time that he didn't take the time the first day he installed. I am much happier and I spent far less for the installation than the rest of you, about the same for the product. It's probably because it is a small town. So, I'm smiling right now. Only I know where the slight imperfections are or only those other Prius owners that come up close and scrutinize my baby! Thanks all for the comments!
I am much happier and I spent far less for the installation than the rest of you, about the same for the product. It's probably because it is a small town. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh, so we help you out and all you can do is rub it in that you got a better deal than the rest of us dummies? Glade it worked out.