A pleasant surprise ... Ordered the gray/burgundy interior (4/8/04). Would have preferred a solid color, especially all gray or a lighter gray, but that's all that was offered. Took delivery 6/11/04 and was pleasantly surpised to find an all gray interior, some medium and some charcoal gray. Some surprises are good surprises! :clap: Any other similar experiences? Did I miss the memo on interior color chages?
I agree. I just took a second look at the Prius I go two days ago and a picture I took of a show Prius back in March. (Both are Silver #9's.) The "Burgandy" is much darker now. I'd say it is grey with a hint of red in it. I like the change.
I looked hard at the hard parts today; there is some deep red in the charcoal when in the bright sun. Still it's not as vivid as the burgundy dash parts in the glossy brochure from Toyota. Will take pixs soon and see if the flash just brings out the red. But the color is mostly charcoal. You've really gotta be looking for the red to realize it's there, so much that if someone wanted gray with burgundy, this combo would be a disappointment. Works for me.
If you wear polarized sunglasses, the normally dull-brownish burgundy dash parts will produce a beautiful metallic burgundy sheen when in direct sun.