Well, the thread on good films led to this one. I will usually sit through a bad movie in the theaters, perhaps because I'm cheap; however, there have been a couple of instances where I just couldn't stand it any longer. How about you? To start it off: 1. (can't remember title) Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez playing garbagemen, turned into some sort of murder case... I lasted about 15 minutes into this one. I believe this was in the early 1990's. 2. The second Charlie's Angel's film. This was so awful, my wife and I left before the opening credits, during an extremely fake-looking scene where the angels escape from a fracas in some eastern European spot, and are falling off the side of a dam, on a helicopter or something. Abysmal, and I had every other incentive (i.e., 2 per Angel) to sit through that one if it had been possible. rpm
The only movie I can remember walking out on was Halloween 5 (I think it was 5). I think the movie you're referring to as #1. was called, "Repo Men"....
I know someone who walked out of 2001 when Moonwatcher threw his newfound weapon into the air and the bone turned into a spaceship. I thought it was brilliant.
I'm not surprised you walked out, I'm surprised you walked in to begin with. Did you ask for a refund? The name of the movie was Men at Work.
i can't bring myself to walk out of a theatre, i can be very masochistic (c.a.d. cheap) like that, but a couple of excrutiatingly horrible movies that i sat through were PAYCHECK, SWORDFISH and VAN HELSING. For the record, I did not want to see any of these movies. rentals are another story... 20 minutes of my time was all i could muster for NOTHINGNESS. despite my fondness for beckett there was absolutely NOTHING good about this dud. also, hated EVITA and SWEPT AWAY. i was curious. THIN RED LINE annoyed the hell out of me. I had to leave the room after 40 minutes of really trying to like it. I think the brooding Jim Caviezil performance forshadowed the PASSION OF THE CHRIST so much that it felt like a prequel to it. lunch time.
i never walk out of a movie because i cant tell you how many times, a movie started off slowly (for me anyways) but ended up being very enjoyable. plus, i am CHEAP
I average perhaps 2 cinema visits her per year. Maybe 1.25. On cable or DVD or any other free-or-almost-free I will watch the entire movie. There are some that I can I look at and just know that it's not worth my time. But there are some that had potential but fell short. But I will watch the entire thing no matter how bad.
Ever since I got my projector, my wife and I rarely go to the movies. Maybe once in the past year. I don't think I've ever walked out of a movie before, but I wanted to walk out of Photoshop with Robin Williams. I had no interest in it at all and just found it plain boring and bizarre. Only reason I stayed was because of my wife.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Apr 18 2006, 04:05 PM) [snapback]241691[/snapback]</div> It's a silent film.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Apr 18 2006, 05:22 PM) [snapback]241702[/snapback]</div> Yet somehow, it's still loud.... :lol:
I'm fascinated by the number of responses where a bad movie was endured because the disillusioned patron was (self described) cheap! Isn't your TIME worth anything? Not that you'd get paid if you left the theater, but why spend your time in quiet misery if you can get out of it and go do something FUN? I mean, if you dropped a buck into a massage chair that immediately began to rattle your brains out, would you sit there until the dollar ran out because by god you're not gonna get gypped if it kills you, or would you get out of the chair as fast as possible because the idea of having PAID to be made uncomfortable is just as unbearable as the chair? Anyway, I walked out of only one movie: An Unmarried Woman - and it was a movie I'd been let in to see free by my friend the theater manager. Can't say what I would've done had I paid - I've never sat in a theater chair so bad it rattled my brains out
I've never walked out on a movie. I don't go often and for the price I make sure I'll like it before I go. That said...there is one movie I would have liked to walk out of. It was 1978 and my Mother must have been out of town for a funeral or something. I remember my Dad saying "Let's go to the movies." This was very unusual. So he takes the three of us kids to see a western, "Grayeagle" with Alex Cord and Lana Wood (Natalie Wood's sister). Also Ben Johnson, Jack Elam and Iron Eyes Cody who all should have known better. . It was just awful. I don't think Alex Cord moved his lips or jaw through the entire movie. Natalie got all of the talent in the family. I have no idea if my Dad liked it or not. He loves westerns and a movie would have to be pretty awful for him not to like it. But i've joked about how bad that movies was since, and he's started to laugh. So I think he knew it was aromatic too.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(airportkid @ Apr 18 2006, 05:19 PM) [snapback]241737[/snapback]</div> My frugality is exactly why I rarely go to movies. The same movie others pay $10 to go see in the theater (loud kids, cell phones, rude adults, sticky floors) will be the same movie I check out from my library a few months later (in my pajamas, on my time, with bonus features, paused and rewound when I want). For those movies that really must be seen on the large screen, there's a dollar theater just down the street that's pretty nice.
I really wanted to walk out on The Corpse Bride, but I kept thinking it would get better. That and I knew it was only 82 minutes. And I'm cheap.
i ONLY go to the movies in the middle of the week during the day. biggest crowd ive seen in a year was probably Narnia and theater was less than ¼ full. last movie i saw was "Thank You For Smoking" which was yesterday and there was about 9 other people besides my friend and i. i ONLY go to the movies in the middle of the week during the day. biggest crowd ive seen in a year was probably Narnia and theater was less than ¼ full. last movie i saw was "Thank You For Smoking" which was yesterday and there was about 9 other people besides my friend and i. that was a movie that started out slowly and actually got better only because the humor was very low key and it took a bit to get used to the presentation. i will probably rent it again just because those types of movies i frequently have to see again because i always catch more stuff the second time around
1. Duets (with Gwyneth Paltrow) was the first movie I ever walked out of and got a refund for. Me and my best girlfriend sat through more of it than we should have, ONLY because it was so bad that we figured it had to get better eventually. It didn't. 2. Dreamcatcher started out interesting, but got very stupid very quickly with the introduction of aliens. We left with about 30 minutes of the movie remaining. Our friends who attended the movie with us left about 30 minutes before us. We should have gone when they did. I typically see one theatre movie every 3-4 months. We have one of those memberships at Blockbuster where we pay $20/month and can rent 3 dvds at a time and keep them for however long we want to. I make a regular visit to the place every or every other Tuesday to exchange 3 watched dvds for 3 new releases. It's more fun to watch a movie on our 61-inch tv with surround sound than standing in line, paying $10 for a movie ticket, standing in another line, paying $20 for a soda and popcorn, and trying to watch a movie while people behind me are carrying on a conversation and the person in front of me has a ringing cell phone that they cannot or do not answer.