Hello all, picked out my new 2015 Prius 2 yesterday. Will be hopefully picking it up from the dealer on Monday as long as no issues on the paperwork. Looking forward to learning this new car and saving on gas. Been driving a Ford Taurus wagon for the past few years. Gets expensive when driving 80 miles to school 4 days a week. Going to take some getting use to on the Prius but looking forward to it and have been reading up here on Prius chat.
Thanks The color is sea glass pearl The original offer they gave us was a 7% loan. My dad is helping me with the car while I am going through nursing school, told them that we would come back by the end of the month once everything that is going on with the house that he is getting is completed to buy it out right. The owner of the dealership called and talked to their financing department after we left and was able to get us approved for the 0% loan after we had left. Just have to get all the final paperwork through on Monday.
The forum has recently been called out for not being as friendly as it use to be. Therefore I'm just going to say: WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME! Hope you enjoy your Prius, trust you will find Prius Chat a wonderful source of Prius and Hybrid information, as well as a relaxing place to discuss numerous topics. Seriously?....welcome. I always recommend a new person to Prius, actually focus on just driving the Prius as per normal, at least for the first few weeks. The system does a good job of creating efficiency automatically. Once you get more familiar with the vehicle as the vehicle, you can if you wish start learning more about the car. Really you can just operate it pretty much like any vehicle. If you aren't familiar with the Smart Key System and push button start/stop, the important thing is being sure you have powered off when leaving the vehicle. And really? This is as simple as being sure you hit the power button when you are done driving. Some new first time owners can ace themselves out, paying too close attention to trying to master "Prius and Hybrid Synergy Drive". Just drive it like it's a Ford Taurus for the first few weeks, and marvel at the fact that it is NOT, when you don't have to fill up nearly as much. If you have the time, reading the owners manual can head off a lot of questions.
Don't listen to him. You are not a real Prius owner until you happily fart super clean gas, and get honked at by a diesel
Hey, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with this. In an effort to be part of the "Friendly" solution, I did my best to curtail any sarcastic vitriol about my general disappointment in Sea Glass Pearl as a color choice. To the OP:- (clenched jaw)- Great color choice. When the light hit's it just right it's stunning. Absolutely stunning.
Thanks, already found a PDF of the owners manual on here that I have started looking through along with reading up on threads here on the forums. It is going to take a little getting use to driving the Prius. To start as suggested will drive it like I have any of my other older cars, easy on the gas. The push bottom start is going to take some time getting use to. The first one I test drove was the Prius C then the regular Prius, by the end of the second test drive was starting to get the hang of the car. Law, was looking at the numbers that my dad wrote down when we were figuring out pricing. Originally we were looking at trading in the Taurus, but decided I could do better with a private sale. Going with the financing option I believe that we ended up at just under $23,000.
Since you still need to pick up your prius just know you have an option to have dealer change the constant beeping when backing up to one beep. You can do same with seat belt too. Mine didn't tell me so I need wait till I take it in for 5k maintenance. Keyless entry and start is very convenient.
We love the button too. The push button arrived over a decade ago, in 2004 (our model) & was WAY high tech. Still ... when you compare the button to the Model S Tesla, that doesn't even have a button !! . . . . with the Tesla fob on your person (shaped like a Tesla!!) - you just get in, foot on brake, put into Drive or Reverse, and go! Who'd of thought the seemingly modern push button would so quickly become passé. .
You will get used to the push button start real fast and you will like it. You got a good deal and a great reliable car. Won't cost very much to drive it either.
Its not getting used to the push button start, its getting used to starting the car without hearing the car start that I think will take time (bought my prius yesterday).
It will be nice to have a car that gets more than 20 miles to the gallon, especially with having to drive 80 miles a day, 4-5 days a week for the next 2 years for school. A reliable car for my program is a must, since I will need to be able to make it to school, along with my clinical sites. One of the main reasons my dad decided to help me out with getting the car.
A common newbie experience is forgetting to shut the car down. Come to think of it, I still forget occasionally but since I always exit the car with the key Fob in my fanny pack, the Prius beeps at me until I figure out why s/he is unhappy.