I want to get rid of the stock wheels on my new Prius, including replacing the tires for low pros. I heard it will change the it by 3-4 mpg is that true? Am I better off keeping the tires and just replacing the wheels? Looking for some info from those more informed than me... MNP
Yes, MPG and ride quality will take a hit. You cannot keep the stock tires if you want lower profile. The rims need to be larger (Ex: 17") then the tires can be lower in profile.
I don't understand this move to low-profile tires for regular driving. Is it just for the look? They don't have any other advantages, as far as I know, and they harden the ride, and are more vulnerable to road hazards.
In my opinion its just aesthetics. As much as im happy with my steel wheel treatment, wheels are still something I would like, perhaps just 16s not 17s.
go for it, there are a lot of theories out there. you might be surrised to pick up an mpg or two. just don't over inflate them. brady likes his tyres on the softer side.
So I went with some aftermarket wheels and was wondering if there is a large market out there to sell the stock aluminum wheels?
There seems to be a market for stock wheels with brand new tires on them. Used wheels by themselves are hard to sell but give it some time and some one on craigslist will need replacement OEM wheels.
You're stock rims are these?: LOVE 'em! I would sleep on it. See how much the dealership is asking for those, maybe give you pause.