I have a 2009 Prius and the check engine light came on last week. I decided to take it to a highly recommended auto repair shop instead of the dealer. The error cord was P1121 and they replaced some kind of coolant control valve. When I went to take the car home I noticed the check engine light was still on and they said there was another similar but different coolant valve that needed to be replaced. They replaced the other part and everything seemed fine. The next day after driving the car I noticed a gurgling noise that almost sounded like rain when it was tuned off. I did some research and it sounded like the air needed to be bled out of the system. I was going to give this a try and purchased some Toyota coolant because I read it was important to use this instead of a generic brand. It appears the repair shop put in something that was green instead of pink. So my question is what should I do now? Can I add the Toyota coolant to what is in there now? Will the green coolant cause any problems in the future? Thank You!
This highly recommended shop isn't that great. There is air in the system that needs to be burped out. I would just bring it back and let them mess with it..... I also didn't know there were 2 coolant valves that pertain to P1121
If you are capable and willing, I'd just drain all the coolant and refill with the proper stuff. After you do it once or twice and understand what you are doing, it's an easy job.
I'm not sure I want to have the non Toyota shop fix the problem they created. I think I could replace it if it isn't too difficult. I can look on Google for directions but do you by chance know where I can find good clear instructions for a novice? Can I just drain it and put in the new fluid or does it have to be flushed out somehow? Thanks!
He's got one gallon of Toyota fluid now, what's needed for both circuits, two more? It's a bit of a mess, mystery fluid, air pockets. Toyota is picky about fluid; they recommend to use the Toyota fluid specd in Owners Manual, or an alternative IF it's in compliance with...., and they go on for some length. I read for a bit, then say you know what, think I'll use the Toyota fluid. If it was me, at this juncture, I'd go the Richy Rich route: get a quote from a Toyota dealership to change coolant in both circuits. Considering the unknown fluid in there, maybe a flush as well for piece of mind. Bring the gallon of Toyota fluid along, to be used. Also any invoices from the other place, might be helpful.
TOO FUNNY. Comedy of errors. Sounds like another case of a conventional repair shop learning about a hybrid at the owners expense? Highly recommended by ... (spouse of the shop owner, cousin of the shop owner, cousin of the mechanic employed by the shop, owner of the building, co-owner of the shop, someone who is dating the owner/mechanic at said shop, ...)? These are all the pumps (plural) and valve (singular) associated with cooling the engine and inverter: 1 3-way valve, 1 CHRS (coolant Heat Recovery System) pump (electrical), 1 inverter pump (electrical), 1 conventional engine water pump (belt driven)So, what mystery valve did recommended shop replace? And what was their justification for this mystery replacement? How do they know this (dinner payment/)second part was defective?
Add to that list: 1 cabin heater core pump (electrical) whose purpose is to circulate engine coolant when the engine is off during normal hybrid operation
I agree, I'd not want to take it back to them either. I do like the suggestion that you take the car to have Toyota drain and refill the coolant loop, then seek reimbursement from the FNG -- I would also tell them ahead of time that they messed it up, that you will be getting it rectified at Toyota and seeking reimbursement. Also, would be keen to hear what was the other valve that was replaced. If you would like to have a go at DIY, here is a thread (see post #22 ff): Changing engine coolant | post #22 | Prius Chat As regards flushing, I'd feel like it was necessary and one of the contributors to the above thread recommended using 100% anti-freeze as well as Patrick cautioning against using just water. See the thread for the rationale and details. In any case, I would be feeding back to the FNG that they messed up and how. Hope it all ends well.
the color of the coolant is just dye; as long as the shop used coolant which says its ok for Toyota on the label, you should be ok in that respect. I would want to take it back to the shop and politely point out that the tech was either lazy or ignorant because he didn't properly bleed the air out of the system. also get them to show you the coolant which they used and read the label to be sure its ok for your car. don't take their word, read the label. if they used bulk or wrong coolant, than they need to drain it and refill (and properly bleed it this time) with Toyota SLLC, for free. when you pickup the car, check the reservoir to verify its full so you don't have to go back again.