Hybrid Vehicles Hit the Heartland...Barely http://www.nytimes.com/2004/06/19/business...pagewanted=1&th here is a report on how undesireable hybrids are in Michigan. in fact, in one city the top 10 most popular vehicles sold are american. wow what a surprise. :roll: Hybrid Vehicles Hit the Heartland...Barely John A. Lacko for The New York Times By DANNY HAKIM Published: June 19, 2004 KALAMAZOO, Mich., June 15 - Julie Buhl drives a Toyota Prius in pickup country. She is one of a very few people in this tree-lined western Michigan city of 77,000 who drives a hybrid car, which uses electric power to save gasoline. People here, like everywhere else, are complaining about gas prices this summer, but traffic does not often grind to a halt in Kalamazoo, and on a recent afternoon it took only a matter of minutes to cruise from a complex of Pfizer offices downtown to the city's outskirts.
"Of the roughly 300 Civics Mr. Roberts sells a year, 10 are hybrids, because that is how many Honda gives him. At the moment, he has two customers waiting for one and he is out of stock. "Is it good for the environment? Yes," said Mr. Roberts, sales manager at M&M. "Is it worth the money? That's not for me to decide. Personally, I ain't shelling out the extra four grand."" I nominate Mr. Roberts for Best Salesman of the Year. "Much depends on Congress, too, which is currently considering tax credits as high as $4,000 for hybrid buyers, a sum that would defray the typical added upfront cost of the vehicles. Currently, a tax deduction, as opposed to a credit, of $1,500 is available, but it is to be phased out." $4000? Really? I think some of us are gonna need to do some letter writing.