I was debating putting this in the "things that annoy you" category (or whatever it's called), but I'm hoping for possible solutions in addition to simply complaining. First of all, I see from previous threads that I'm not the only owner bothered by the design of the spare tire storage area; an area that should have been give more thought in terms of making some extra storage space. I'm still trying top figure out a way to use some of that space for storing incidentals. But let's forget about the lack of storage space for the time being. What I'm finding even more annoying about that cargo floor, is the dang noisiness of the styrofoam blocks covering the spare and making up the floor. I wanted a hatchback because I like the usefulness of the space when folding the seats down. Heck, when I turned in my 2006 Forester with 220k miles, the rear seats were like brand new because I always had them folded down (mostly for the dog). Well, the first time I had the dog jump in the back of the C on our way to our walking area, I couldn't get over the noise. She paces a bit and that styrofoam squeaks like a sonofagun! Then when I was transporting some extra wheels and tires the other day, I could hear every bump in the road more than I could feel them, because of the darn squeaking. I hate to think I'll just get used to it. How are you all dealing with the squeaks?
For the final time...I don't feel Toyota is responsible for YOUR problem with Mice getting into your Prius.... Oh wait,- never mind totally different type of "squeaks". Sorry, I suppose you could obviously remove the Styrofoam and seek out a different filler material. Exactly what could be fabricated or created and out of what material? It's kind of a fascinating problem. I wonder if Toyota get's many complaints or is aware? I haven't noticed in my Standard Prius, but haven't had opportunity to ride with the floor folded down very much. I'm curious as to what solutions get offered. Wish I had a better suggestion. Good Luck.
I guess I maybe should clarify that it squeaks only when there's something back there (living or otherwise). When the seats are up and it's empty, it's quiet.
The best "fix" probably depends on whether or not you leave the spare tire in there. If you remove it completely, you should be able to fashion a board to go there using the carpet as a template. If the tire remains, try spraying the contact points liberally with silicone lubricant. What it leaves behind is dry and (usually) non-staining. Test a small space first as different brands of silicone may use different solvent propellants; some might eat the foam.