Took it to dealer and sure enough was a gas cap code that was causing the Check Engine light. They reset it and I drove off. No charge.
If they had not reset it, it should have cycled off on its own after a fixed number of power cycles. If you know the cause of the CEL, and that said cause has been remedied, then this can save you a trip to the shop. I've used my ScanGauge to reset the CEL. Most other engine monitor / scan tool products should be able to do the same.
I love saving $ driving from Costco to costco for gas and this leaves me empty at a strange gas station in Lodi or Tipton where I estimate how far to the next Costco / 40 and put in an extra gallon for peace of mind. The Prius notices more than three gallons doesn't notice less. iPhone ?
I also tend to plan my trips around the availability of Costco gas stations. I tend to fill up my C1 on the same schedule as my mid-sized AWD SUV, but whereas the SUV would take a half-tank of gas at each such fillup (about 9.5 gallons ... the maimum tank capacity is 19 gallons)), my C1 seldom takes more than one "bar" of gas (about 0.97 gallons ... the maximum tank capacity is said to be about 9.7 gallons).
I did that for a while, but between long waiting lines, sparse availability in some areas, and some Costco's being too far off my route, gave up that strategy. Now I check ahead for prices on one of the gas price websites, and select something based on convenience, closeness to my actual route, and type of station. ( works. has the same idea, but it didn't catch on as well and its volunteer spotter network has seriously atrophied.) Actual choice is often adjusted on the fly, but at least this exercise provides a fueling plan with a benchmark price.
Hi all Interesting thing happened to me , I had to remove the 12v battery for something else after driving about 25kms from full tank Then I saw remaining mileage of 1300kms. It usually shows about 870kms. Any idea why.