Hi all, As I am trying to change my ATF, I ran into the error of my funnel-hose being too short (18 inches) I've been trying to look all over the place and cannot find a hose that's longer.. what is everyone else using ? Any suggestions or links to a longer hose that will fit as well ? Thanks !
Checked the outside diameter on what I'm using, it's about 13.5 mm, slightly over 1/2". It fits in the fill hole with slight amount of clearance.
The plastic funnel/hose I have will be no good therefore.. This should work: Hopkins TF-1 As I have no experience with this, what do I have to buy to extend the hose ? I'm close to 50K and it has been bugging me to change the ATF.. Thanks a lot !
^ You could still use that funnel, just sub a longer tube section. Bring the whole thing along to Home Despot, to check fit? That's pretty much what I did, bought a similar funnel with screw-on extension, but not long enough.
This is what I have right now and when I remove the extension, there are grooves which looks proprietary to the hose..
Yeah but this is just plastic. Get a clear tubing section with roughly the right inside diameter and you can screw it on ok. It's good to have an assistant pour, while you watch at the inlet. They can pour 3 quarts or liters without worries, then take it easy on the fourth. Somewhere around 1/2 to 3/4 through the fourth it should start coming back out.
I bought 3 ft of 3/8 inch ID clear vinyl tubing from Lowe's or Home Depot. It's a little bit long, but better than too short.
That's what she said. Sorry! Can't resist. BTW, thanks for this thread! I'm about to change the ATF oil too and didn't know I will need a long funnel to do the job.