I highly recommend the Highland Sportwing hitch rack. Works well with mountain and road bikes. And it's about $71 shipped on Amazon. If you need to carry 3 bikes, then check out the Saris Thelma 3. I also own a Swagmac XC and a Thule T2. I prefer the Sportwing and Thelma.
Here's a pic of my Thelma 3: Here's a pic of my T2 screwing up the cantilever brake caliper alignment on my vintage RockHopper: Here's a Swagman XC2. The ratcheting securing mechanism makes contact with the frame, and it's finicky to get different sizes of bikes to fit. And forget about switching out different bikes on a regular basis. Constantly making adjustments will drive you nuts (not to mention mess up your fingers). Here's my Sportwing on my Expedition (simple and lightweight design):
Go with 1up USA bike racks. All aluminum, no plastic parts. Had mine for 9 years and no broken parts.
^ seconded. The 1up isn't cheap, but it makes everything else look like a heap of rattly erector set parts.
Went Thule upride (pictured before I added a second). Love it, but there’s noise at highway speeds because of the roof rack