I just purchased a used Bazooka w/ built in amp and had a few questions. First, is it ok to tap into the amp vs the door speakers for sound? 2nd, the plug I have that connects to the woofer only has connections for FR/LR speakers... Do I need to be able to connect this to the other speakers? I'm hoping to install this b4 I take my first trip! Also any other advise would be appreciated since this will be my first sub install!
Hello slowpriusj. If I recall this is the wire schematic: Red wire is 12volt, Black is ground, Orange is the remote/accessory input, The Blue RCAs are audio input wires and are used only if you have a radio with RCA inputs, and there fore you will not use the Gree, Green/Black,Grey and Grey/Black wires. If your radio does not have RCA inputs, then the Green, Green/Black, Grey and Grey/Black wires will be used instead of the Blue RCA cables. They will be connected to either the front left and right speakers or the left and right rear speakers. Dont use both. Only use one or the other. hope this helps
JJsCarAudio101, Where on the stock JBL amp would the "Orange is the remote/accessory input" wire get tapped into?
Unfortunately one of my techs installed this for me but all you have to do is unplug the plug on the amp and use the tool (can't think of what it's called) to see what stays on with the car in on mode and turn off to see what turns off. the tool has a light inside and it lights up when the pin is a hot pin when the car is off. Hope this helps.
Thanks, I guess I'll do a trial and error with a multi-meter and also take it a step further to see which wire produces voltage when the radio is powered on.
Cool I will try to find schematics he used, the best thing HONESTLY is to get a aftermarket head unit and get the wire harness specific for JBL system. I am dissatisfied with my woofer upgrade only because it made my entire system weaker. I don't know why maybe something was not done right. Don't get me wrong it's only a 8 inch woofer with 100 watts but i literally had more bass without it and weaker really means I have to turn my volume up higher to get the same sound before install.