My techinfo account expired before I looked into this. Does anybody know the torque specs for the M6 bolts holding the inner cowl tray on to the car? They're highlighted in red below. For now I just hand-tightened because they'll have to come out again later, but I'd like to know. Thanks.
The spec is 57 in-lb (slightly less than 5 ft-lb) on 2G; 3G probably similar, this is not a critical spec.
Not too tight..not too loose... I tighten those by feel. Generally my practice is grabbing the ratchet close to the head with my thumb overlapping the head and then turning. I'll then tighten until the bolt is firmly snug. This technique helps to minimize over-tightening/stripping the bolt/thread.
I'm generally a torque fanatic, but with 6~8 mm trim bolts just holding trim I wing it. I'll use MrStop's technique, for minor 6mm bolts in particular. Isn't that a fun job? What were you doing, checking the spark plugs?
Thanks for all the responses. It's M6 bolts going into thin sheet metal. I like to use my 1/4" ratchet and squeeze it just finger tight. But for posterity I always like to know the official torque specs when possible. I was installing the engine block heater. Not fun but doable once I figured out which hole to put it in. That's what she said...
How'd it work out, the block heater install, that is. We got ours installed at the dealership, but I've had the cowl off, for spark plug inspection. I was too focussed, should have had a looksee: is the blockheater location reasonably accessible with all that off?
I I spent a lot of time looking at the instructions. This site also helps a lot: 3rd-gen block heater For the first time, I should have done it from underneath. It took me a good hour to find the hole because you can't see it from the top, except at a very weird angle. Once I found the hole, the rest went as expected.
You can't see it from the bottom either. When doing oil changes, with the underpanel off, I can see the distinctive triangle-section silvery wire leading to it (at least on mine) and I can reach up, touch the tip of the block heater. But it's pretty much Braille method I guess, from above or below. Thanks for info and link. If you haven't already, Google "youtube Nutzaboutbolt's 3rd gen Prius spark plug". Good video explaining cowl and wiper removal. Which you've done already, but still interesting.