So what defines sport mode in cars, all it does is, transmission hold its gear longer for better response and increased engine braking and engine management enhances the throttle response, How does one translate to our prius, Put Transmission in B mode and Turn on Power mode. So I'd discover this when i was at my defence driving course (my school was offering for free) after the course we get to use their track to run some laps around it, What i found is that in power mode the engine mapping changes so power comes on with less throttle however when you have in B mode (w/PWR mode) as soon as you let the gas off it immediately switches over to engine braking at what ever rpm up to 3500 rpm example so say you rev your engine to 3500 4000 rpm and you take your foot off the gas the engine switches over to engine brake at 3500 rpm, its pretty nice effect, it did help that i didn't really have to use my physical brakes that much and it slowed the car quite effectively thus leading it to an pseudo-sport mode and all other automotive has.Also the engine does not shut off in B mode even when you come to a complete stop ( while still in B mode)
PWR mode + B mode = Hidden Gas Guzzler At any speed over 24 MPH (this will vary by model, but not by much) B mode causes the engine to rotate while decelerating, diverting energy from the battery to rotating the engine as an air pump. PWR mode makes the throttle less sensitive, getting you to very open positions with out much fine adjustments. Neither improves handling at all.
I'll give you points for experimentation. But I don't really understand anyone who buys and operates a Prius looking for a sports mode. The whole vehicle is HSD. Hybrid Synergy Drive and it's main aim, is to reduce emissions and be efficient from a fuel usage POV. You can put it in "B" and Press Power and change attributes but it's going against the overall design of the vehicle and system. I guess I'm just a right tool for the job guy. And my thinking is if you want a sports car, buy a sports car. If you want efficiency and great gas mileage? Buy a Prius.
I know the prius is no a sports car, everyone knows that, but it does improve in power delivery when coming out of a corner or slowing at a corner the engine does not turn off which means less delay in engine to be spooled up by MG1 to get the engine to run, and lessen the need in using the brakes by using engine brake instead and prevents the brakes from cooking, however battery will deplete faster, I've seen prius owners has taken their prius in autocross some even go bold and activate maintenance mode and drive it around, and besides who drives slow/efficiently at a close track? Every car has a potential just because it a prius doesn't mean is a efficient squishy lame duck you'll be surprised on what it can take on in a corner (granted after a suspension and wheels upgrade)
I see what you're saying. He's not saying it's a sports car, just that it performed better around a track in PWR + B. I'm certain he still wants his 50 mpg.
If you can get 50mpg while autocrossing let me know how. I got 17.1mpg over the 3.2 miles I ran last weekend. I will have to remember PWR & B for next year. The Prius was 5 seconds slower than a Corvette but can hold its own against a Beetle on slicks or a Jetta.
This is the best way to go up and down hills without frying the brakes, which are super mushy when the battery fills anyways. Glad someone else is doing it. MPG isn't much worse than running in other modes (but it is worse), however, to me it is much easier for me to drive through.
I've noticed that in 'B' mode, the ICE never shuts off, even when the car is stopped at a light. Not sure why it that is. The purpose of B mode is to provide engine braking, which is not needed when stopped.
You say that, but then it seems your aim is to make it as much something it is NOT as possible. Which is a viable hobby I suppose, I just don't get wasting the time. If you redesign something enough, you can change it significantly, but for the VAST vast majority of people we aren't buying Prius to run at a closed track or in autocross. I don't deny your curiosity or even I guess your willingness to make the Prius as sporty as possible. If you want to do it? Spend the money on wheels and suspension upgrades? Go ahead. It just seems to me a weird propensity to try to change something designed beautifully to function in one manner into something it is clearly NOT designed or meant to be. Why not just pass go, and START with a vehicle more suited to closed track racing or autocross? Maybe I'm just getting old. When I had my Honda Fit, I noticed a whole sub-culture of owners who would buy a "Regular North American" Model Honda Fit then spend loads of money buying parts from Japan to make it as much like a Japanese Domestic Market Honda Fit. The thrill seemed to be just making it something "different". Sometimes the differences were so minute that I really didn't understand the reasoning why someone would spend so much money and time just to make what they originally purchased into something it was not. But I suppose making a Prius as "Sporty" as possible is a viable hobby. But personally? I bought my Prius to be that wonderful nearly 50 mpg squishy duck, and I think being the best HYBRID vehicle it can be IS living up to it's best potential.
But I'm responding to THE REALITY of this thread. Which is your contention that Power Mode coupled with B Mode equals a hidden "Sports Mode". That isn't going to be "BOTH"...As pointed out above, that's going to make your MPG's PLUMMET. I don't have anything against improvement or sporty. But what you suggest in your original post ISN'T a situation that will make the Prius both sporty and remain fuel efficient. You press Power, put it in B and your gas mileage is going to get about as bad as you could possibly make it with a Prius.
Guess I am a little late to the party.........let me chime in which is based on Experience Good for you @A617 for your observations and putting that to the Keyboard for other Prius Chat members to note. Respectfully most of the comments on your post come from members that have been on this forum for quite a while and in return you get a certain Vibe that the Prius was only meant for MPG. Take a trip to Japan, you will encounter hundreds of Mods that will enable the Prius to handle like a Sports car and still maintain a reasonable MPG. Unfortunately the demand is not here in the States which is due to the Old School thinking from the comments above. I say this in Respect because without these Members supporting this site, Prius Chat would be a thing of the past. As per PWR mode + B mode = Hidden Sport Mode it does exist and by experience can help entering a turn and coming out hot out of the exit. Hopefully i did not leave a Bitter taste from my comments - Cheers!
The only thing that will increase your traction are the flashers. You get better traction with the flashers on. Or so it seems. I see folks with them on in the rain all the time. I'm guessing they want better traction.