I am down to one bar on the fuel gauge and the fuel light hasn't cut on. Is it supposed to? Also, I have around 430 miles on this tank (first fill up) and with one bar left it seems like it's not gonna make it to 500 before I run out. I have been very easy with the throttle, coasting when I can, etc. does this seem right? How do you get 600?
i don't know about yours, but mine doesn't have a light. the last bar starts flashing and there is a very quiet, very quick beep, when you're down to the reserve.
I didn't see a miles till empty on the display. Maybe that info is switched off? It's also getting 51.7 according to the display
There is no "Low Fuel Light" The Last Bar on the gas gauge starts to flash with usually 26 miles left till empty according to the Trip odometer setting that shows "miles to empty". When the "Miles to Empty" indicator reaches zero I have 2 gallons left. I have filled it up at that point many times. So....Two gallons left is about 100 miles or more. I usually run past the zero to 50 to 80 miles or more. That how I regularly get 600 out of a tank. My usual MPG is 54 to 58 calculated. Sometimes I only get 50 mpg if I've been speeding too much. My 2009 Corolla was almost exactly the same. Low fuel light came on with 26 miles indicated on "Miles to Empty" At zero miles to empty it would still have 2 gallons left. The EPA number on that car was 35......I routinely got 37 to 39. Got 40 once by driving 55 mph from San Diego to Santa Barbara & Back.
depends on how far you like to push it. i get 60 mpg, so 600 miles when the pip starts flashing. that's when i fill up. some will go deep into the reserve, and some will run out of gas.
Mine (current 2012, previous 2010) will go about a half gallon with the last bar steady, before it starts flashing with a single beep alert. There is no separate warning light. Mine would have no problem getting to 500 from this point, but the first tank is absolutely not a reasonable time to test the bottom levels of the tank. Fill it up now to confirm that your gauge is working 'normally'. You ought to get about 8.5 - 9 gallons in on this refill, to the first or second click of the pump auto-shutoff. After confirming that the gauge is normal, read the first post of this thread before pushing beyond the flashing last bar next time: [WARNING] Running out of gas (Gen III) | PriusChat And you should get several tanks of practice and familiarity with the car before putting much effort in joining the 600 mile club.
It says 40 miles until empty. How the heck do you get 60 mpg??? I'm babying this thing and it shows 51.7
babying is in the eye of the beholder. but length of trip, weather, hvac use, topography, and other factors can have a serious effect on mpg. it's flat around here, i drive the speed limit or less, pulse and glide, drive to the furthest part of my trip then work my way back, moderate use of a/c and heat, no one else in the car, blah,blah, blah.
What types of gas do you guys use? is there one brand that seems to consistently perform better? I usually use the 87 octane Murphy(walmart) gas but I'm willing to switch to rock on a couple dozen extra miles.
Don't try too hard yet, it is easy to unintentionally sabotage your results. Instead, drive normally (for you) for a couple tanks to get familiar with the car, and get a baseline MPG. Then try to work up from that. The baseline will help let you know when you are going the wrong way. Then read up on hypermiling. Numerous members have their favorite threads here on PriusChat. I started elsewhere before coming here, these are the two threads at CleanMPG.com that most helped me: Beating the EPA - The Why’s and How to Hypermile Pulse and Glide plus Warp Stealth in the Prius II for maximum FE … See also the MPG vs speed chart here. If you are driving faster the 60 mph, then don't expect 60 mpg. Updated MPG vs MPH chart | PriusChat
i use mobil 87 typically, but i've never heard of a particular brand increasing mpg's. are you running your tyres at 44/42 f/r? and correct oil at proper level?
Yes. One of the first things I did was pump the tires to 44 psi. Michelin tires. I haven't checked the oil yet though.
Huh? I was answering two questions at the same time I think. I'm just trying to learn as much as I can about this car. What is normal and what's not. The whole hypermiling thing is something I can do. I don't use the interstate on my 15.5 mile trip to work, and the roads are 35-45 mph. No 55, although part of the trip is hilly.
Yeah could be, my bad. My 2 cents: concentrate on mpg, forget about miles per tank. Just fill up when it's getting lowish: scraping the bottom has no benefit.