my clock and mph kmh buttons are not working, I'm guessing it's a fuse but i don't know where to locate it, can someone help me with this... everything else seems to be working fine in the car, thanks. It's a 2013 Prius 2
The fuse is #29 in the fuse box under the left side of the dashboard, near the kick panel. It's labelled PANEL on the inside of the fuse box cover.
If it's fuse #29, other things affected may be P switch to engage Park in transmission, AC system, audio system, glove box light, etc.
Well... nothing else seems to be wrong from the things you mentiomed, but all 3 clock buttons and kmh/mph buttons don't work... could it be something else then?
You should still check the fuse. If the fuse is Ok, then you might have to think about the possibility that the harness behind the switch may be disconnected or something.
Well i changed it and it didn't fix it... i went over to the dealer but just for inspecting it it's 115....
Well they didn't tell me anything about that, i told them it was a 2013 prius and they just told me that if they inspect it it would be 115... although i didn't ask
If your car is still covered under the 3 year/36K mile warranty, and you are sure it has a problem, then don't worry about the inspection fee. The fee should be waived when a problem is found, covered under warranty. The point of the inspection fee is that the dealer service dept management does not want owners to be wasting the time of the service staff on issues which cannot be verified by the service staff, issues caused by user error, or issues which are not problems that the service staff is able to fix. So if you agree to pay the fee if it turns out there is no problem that the service staff can address, then they are willing to investigate your issue. Just make sure you are able to demonstrate the problem to the service writer.
Ok, thanks for the info I'll spin by the dealer today or tomorrow i really want to get maintainance reqd thing disappear and to set the right time lol
By some chance did you remove the part of the dash which holds these buttons? If so, maybe the plastic gizmo behind each of the buttons dropped off, are turned in the wrong direction, aren't placed correctly, etc. Mike
You really don't need any tools. Just use your fingers. Start from the area around the cup holder and gently tug and pull. Work your way up to the dash. But I agree that maybe something got loose. Mike
This forum is a while back, but i just bought a 2013 Prius. Same buttons listed above. Mph/clock buttons didnt work. Pulled the dash. There are no wires connecting the buttons. There werent any loose wires hanging anywhere. What do i need to do to get the correct wires to the connector? Do i need a new wiring harness? Thanks!
2011 Prius IV and the Kmh/mph button occasionally worked. Just to change to KMH and stay no matter how many hard presses of the KMH/MPH button. Pulled the console up and the dash cover around the radio. The wire cable was plugged in just fine. The H,M buttons worked. Unplugged the cable and popped out the switch cluster (KMH/MPH H,M). Used a small flat blade screwdriver to gently pry out the circuit board. Used CRC electronic contact cleaner and hosed the KMH/MPH switch. Blew out with canned duster. Repeated a couple times just cause. Plugged the switch cluster in and tried it. Worked as usual. Reset the maintenance minder and put the console back together. The switches on the circuit board are not the cheap ones used on a Kia or Hyundai. So it just needed a cleaning.