I couldn't seem to find a longer replacement antenna for my package V gen III prius [6mm thread] till I found this: 16" universal 5/6mm antenna It took about two weeks to arrive, and was packed to survive most any abuse along the way [packed inside a length of pvc pipe and then wrapped overall in bubble plastic -- unbelievable care given the price]. It comes with both a 5mm and a 6mm thread stud, so I believe it will fit either a gen II and gen III. Works fine on my gen III. Very little testing so far, but at least on FM, the range seems an improvement over the stock antenna. Though it will probably wreck my mileage... [just kidding...]
Curious to know how it works out as far as reception goes. My stubby was stolen the day I drove mine home and I replaced it with a cheaper one from an auto parts store as the Toyota version was nearly $70. Reception has been awful since! Thnx much
I have no way to actually measure it, but so far, it seems like I'm getting somewhat better reception than with the original stubby -- but still nowhere near as good as the front/rear diversity setup that came with a camry I owned ten years ago. [I would not at all be surprised to learn one of these days that the broadcast reception was intentionally poor so as to boost satellite subscription sales -- but that might require fitting me for a tinfoil hat...]