Hello all, My cruise control has been working on and off for about 3 years now. Right now it works 1% of the time. I love CC. I bought a new-used cc on ebay. I've looked on youtube for videos on how to replace. There are none. Anyone have a video, pictures, or a blow by blow? Thanks!!
What part did you get, and how do you know that part is the reason your cc isn't working? The cc system is complex and comprised of many parts, like actuators, switches and relays, etc. Troubleshooting the cc system takes up a fair amount of space in the Toyota repair manual and I doubt a YouTube video would help much. Unless you are replacing a specific component.
It might be the spiral cable (clockspring) behind the steering wheel. Have any of the other steering wheel buttons stopped working? If so, do a search here for the fix. I fixed mine recently for $30 and an hour's work. Does it work when you turn the steering wheel about 45 degrees? If so, it's probably the cable.
And maybe the most common reason for CC failure is: The brake light switch. People who dive into things like this with a lack of knowledge and a complete lack of testing very often end up spending MORE money than having a qualified shop do it. Sometimes WAY more.
Exactly what did you buy? There is a cruise control switch on the steering column. There is a brake light switch. That is about all there is, because cruise control is mostly a firmware function managed by the hybrid vehicle ECU.
Here's a pic All of the steering wheel buttons works perfectly. Thanks. I'll try the 45 degree thingy
Assuming that the switch is the problem (which may be a questionable assumption), you will need to remove the driver's side air bag for access. I suggest you subscribe to techinfo.toyota.com to download the relevant pages from the factory repair manual so that you don't have the airbag blow up in your face while you are working on its removal.
Patrick, I have a 2010 "Prius I" that did not come with the cruise control. Do you know if cc will work if I add the switch? i.e. Is it a simple matter of adding the switch and replacing the associated right hand side cc switch cover? Thanks in advance
I do not know. To figure this out, I suggest that you should obtain the electrical wiring diagram for your model year at techinfo.toyota.com and find the wiring diagram for the ECU that controls the engine and hybrid powertrain functions, then see how the cruise control wiring is set up. At minimum you will probably find a brake light switch with two pairs of contacts and the cruise control switch. Once you understand how the circuit works, then you would need to examine your car to see what is missing (missing elements might include wiring harness connections for the parts) and then at that point you can figure out what will be required to add cruise control functionality. Good luck.
Thanks... I appreciate the response and your suggestion is spot on... but since I don't have a login it may be a waste of time and money. The last time I checked the Toyota site looking for the documentation on the 2010 Prius I... I came up empty handed. It may be easier and cheaper to get one and give it a try. Reliable Used Cars, Minivans, Trucks, SUVs, Crossovers & Hybrids is suppose to list the option details on the various models but the information on the "Prius I" is not present. I called the Toyota Customer Experience Center and they also came up empty. I was just hoping you or someone else may have already crossed this issue and had a quick and easy answer. Thanks again... I find your feedback very insightful and really appreciate all the time and expertise you bring to this forum.
Sure about what? 1. That you have to remove the driver's airbag for access to the switch? 2. That the switch is the problem? 3. That the airbag has the potential to blow up in your face if you don't observe the correct safety precautions? 4. That you can obtain factory repair manual info at techinfo.toyota.com? I am sure about all of those assertions except #2.
I can confirm that the cruise control can be added to a 2010 "Prius I" model by simply adding the Cruise Control switch. All you need is the switch, the 2 wire/connector and the two mounting screws. The part number is: 84632-08021 (w/o precrash) 84632-08011 (w/ precrash option) * Note: My research shows that either part number will work. There are several part numbers that provide the same functionality. I purchased mine off ebay for under $15 shipped. "HOT Cruise Control Switch 84632-34011 For Toyota RAV4 Camry Corolla Lexus Scion" This car is a "Prius I" model. It came without some basic options (no Cruise Control, Rear Seat Center Arm Rest, EV Button, Rear wiper or Rear Speakers). Hope this helps others that want to add a cruise control.
Try taking the back of the control switch off by using a small Phillips and a knife. The plastic that holds your copper switch plate which has three prongs has probably broke and the plate has moved so it isn't contacting the two electrodes that are wired thru the stalk. You can superglue that electrode back in place and it will light up your cruise light on the dash and should work again. I did this and now my cruise works fine and it costs nothing
Gringostar, I opened the back of my cc switch, and all parts were in place. I used a wire to short out the Electrodes and nothing happened. The cruise control did not turn on. Lookin closer I found one of the Electrode wire was not connected to the cruise control mechanism. Fortunately the loose wire was the ground, return wire for the switch. Using a small drill bit I drilled a small hole on the stealing wheel frame, and tapped it with a 6-32 tap, and crimped an eyelet on the end of the loose wire, and grounded it with a short 6-32 screw. Now my Criuse works great.