Ive got a '14 Pip, no new mods all my mods are atlas 6 months old. When I turn on my headlights at night and make sure the dimmer switch, by the fuel tank button, inside the cabin, is dimmed, the headlights work, the front parking lights work, the brake lights work ( WHEN I STEP ON THE PEDAL), but they don't turn on when I just have the parking lights on with out braking. So, to clarify, the parking lights (the two strip that are used as brake lights (led)) they don't turn on. what could it be? Some fuse? I made sure to cycle the column stalk switch a few times, and the dimmer switch a few times. Could removing and reattaching battery fix it? Should I take it to the dealer (~85k miles). The gist is that the brake lights don't dim when not braking with parking lights on. Update: Turns out none of the parking lights are coming on, so it seems it could be as simple as blown fuse, could someone point me to a document that tells where that particular fuse is located, or just show me a pic, what could've caused this?
Take off the cover on your fuse box located under the dashboard above the parking brake. Inside the cover, there is a legend of what fuses are there (circuit and fuse rating). Obviously, you are looking for the fuse that is relevant to the parking lights. There is a fuse puller and a few extra fuses in there too. Good luck.
Thanks, already tried and was well aware of it, i read somewhere that there is a fuse box in the "luggage compartment", I don't want to do trail and error with different fuses. Appreciate the help though.
There is a fuse box in the engine compartment too, on the driver's side. Sorry, at work right now, so can't really help.
Ok, I looked at Toyota.com, you need to pull fuse at location 30 in the inside fuse box, labelled TAIL, it's a 10A fuse, and it is for parking lights, tail lights, license plate lights, etc. Look at the inside of the fuse cover for where fuse # 30 is.
The 10A fuse is colored red, as opposed to yellow or blue. So you are looking for a red 10A fuse in location 30 in the fuse box.
I see from your other thread that you have been taking apart your headlights. You must've caused a short circuit in the parking light circuit which caused your fuse to blow.
like i mentioned in the beginning all mods are 6 months old, i just rounded up from 5. that was a long time ago, they were working just fine till yesterday.
Ok, well, your fuse still probably blew. When you locate the fuse, use the plastic fuse puller to take it out. You'll probably see that the middle section of the fuse has burned out.
Yeah man, you do know I own a auto mechanic shop, right? So I know all of the basics, my all data system wasn't working for the past few day so couldn't pull a tech manual or look at the schematics for the anything past 2008. i still appreciate all the detail.