We put a couple hundred miles on our salsa red this past weekend driving to da U.P., eh. Hubby drove north and I was a model passenger. I kept my hands to myself, was quiet and considerate. On the way home I "got to drive" while he played with the NAV system the whole way. Seriously, it's worse than leaving him in charge of the remote. I'd put up with it for a while, then switch to the info screen on him. He'd switch the map back on and NAV lady was driving me nuts. I had to turn the NAV sound down just so I could hear myself think. My NAV lady has the nasty habit of telling me to turn right or left every time we come to an offshoot road. I don't consider it a right turn when I'm driving on a paved highway and there's an old 2-track seasonal road that shoots off to the left but I am to stay on the highway. Is there an override for that? We were told to turn right or left every 5 miles or so. GRRRRR
I had to respond to this. You cannot make him stop. I have a #9 Prius, and my wife cannot stand the fact that I play with the NAV and other Toys, (I have Satellite Radio) constantly. We can't help it, no can we change, we're guys. My wife told me that she doesn't feels that I no longer drive, that I merely "coordinate". I used to have a VW GTI with a stick, that you had to DRIVE. But now with Prius, i don't drive apparently I just "coordinate". Good luck to you, and enoy NAV Lady.
hey, i'm getting the prius half because of gas mileage and half BECAUSE i get to play with toys. why would i stop?
Shiney brites, things that blink, talk, beep, and make noise are all impossible for us gadget freaks to ignore. Just get used to it. He, (and we) will never change. :mrgreen:
Call the Car-Talk guys. They will laugh at you and ask if they can come push the buttons too You can, however, turn off the Voice Prompting in Nav. That may be a compromise. He can push buttons but the Nav Lady won't nag.
This sounds like a relationship issue involiving boundaries, not a Prius issue. See a marital therapist
All right, I accept that he can't stop because he has the dreadred gadget fever. Can I at least hold out hope that the novelty will wear off?
Probably not, your best bet is to find something to distract him. Maybe a PDA or Gameboy of some kind?